Ragnarok Adventures

Monday, January 31, 2011

Ragnarok Funny Story

A friend of mine shared this funny Ragnarok video at Facebook. I find the video funny, interesting and ragnarok related so I'm sharing this to you. Just to give you a preview, its about players who experience a epic fails in-game but presented in a very funny way. Some parts also depicts players who are bitter with other players and they strive to be the best. Honestly, I didn't understand a single text on the video because almost everything is written in Korean even the skills. But the bubble emotions and choice of actions of the characters clearly transcends to all Ragnarok players even with the language barrier. I'm not sure if the setting of the video is in kRO but I guess it is.

Watch the video after the break. Enjoy (^^)v

My favorite part of the video is the super slow cast of a High Wizard then another High Wizard came in to boast his almost instant cast Storm Gust. It's like there are a lot of things already happened but the High Wizard is still haven't released the Storm Gust. Another part which I like is the Father, Mother and child summoning each other then a Professor came into the scene in a bad mode then casts Land Protect. Everyone in the scene were shocked with her action. Lastly is the merchant that can't be stoned then it has been one hit killed with Turn Undead! That was very funny because I can relate to that during my Priest days in pRO Loki.

I do hope that in anyway you can relate to the scenes in the video.

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