Ragnarok Adventures

Monday, January 24, 2011

Site News


Good Day to all avid readers out there.

This is the first time that I will be updating about my plans for this site. I hope you enjoyed reading my personal adventures on Ragnarok online. I also hope that you get the information that you need especially the guides.

Currently i'm making this site as interesting and as informative as possible by creating a user friendly site lay out. If you have something to ask you could always throw your question on the Megaphone section. I'll try my best to answer them as long as I know the answer. You could always leave comments on the posts if you have something to say. Read the rest of my site news after the break.

I'm almost done with my entry migration from my previous site richkidherbert.multiply.com. Most of the important write ups are now up for reading on this site. Be mindful that all my post coming from the other site are pre-renewal. All links have been fixed directing to the entries on this site except for the patch notes that I didn't mirror.

As you can see Bossnia posts are finished and has been added to the Adventures page. Visit the other pages too especially the Adventures, War of Emperium, Links and Quest Guides because they are being updated without any notice on the Site Updates. I'm planning to make the Site Updates to reflect updates on post changes, added banner images and other unnoticeable changes.

I'll give a sneak peak on the things that I've been working that will be posted soon. I'm currently working with Warlock Job Change Experience. I already have screenshots and I only need the write up. I'm also working with the Guild Dungeon Switches. It will be posted soon I only need the edited pictures of each switch locations. Lastly would be the Green Bunny Band Upgrading Event that was held last Saturday. It will cover both 1st and 2nd day of trading before I'll create the post so I guess it will be posted a little later.

If you have request on the any official ragnarok online topics that you like to be posted here you can inform me by replying to this post. I'll analyze if it's possible for me to create the entry and if it's possible then I'll create one.

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