Ragnarok Adventures

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Bossnia Event - 7th time

When: July 18, 2010
Where: Bossnia Dungeon
Reference Link: July 14, 2010 Patch Notes
Previous Bossnia Events:

Bossnia has been released again and became a regular event in pRO. It has been offered on our servers from July 14, 2010 to July 21, 2010. Basically, Bossnia is a dungeon where MVPs spawn like regular monsters. There are 4 rooms available for hunting where in they contain the same MVPs and with the same map. Even if it sounds difficult there are still rooms for battles.

My guildmates will never skip these events so we organized a hunting party. We have formed a 6-man party to explore the Bossnia Dungeon. We balanced our team to have a tank, support and killers. We had 2 team composition choices but we ended up having 2 High Priests, 2 Biochemists, a Champion and a High Wizard. All in all we had 2 support, a tank and 3 damage dealers.

Our Team - Blur, BitterAngel, Rich Kid Herbert, Lite, Angel Fist and I love Kafra

As we move around the dungeon we met a lot of familiar monsters. Since our team is small compared to our full pack party during Endless Tower, we could only defeat Low-End MVPs. The common MVPs that we met were Golden Thief Bug, Drake, Dark Snake Lord and Orc Lord.

Golden Thief Bug - the one of a kind non-aggressive MVP

Dark Snake Lord - the one and only ghost type low end MVP

Since the dungeon is not only populated with low end MVPs, once in a while we bump with high end MVPs. Most of the time we ended up dying and wiped out due to their overwhelming power. Our current team is not prepared to face these MVPs so as much as possible we evade their attacks. These kind of MVPs were rare sight so it's not hard for us to navigate our way to the MVPs we can defeat.

We can tank Fallen Bishop Hibram but we lack damage dealer for him

Dying in the flaming hands of Ifrit

Chased and crushed by Beelzebub, the Lord of the Flies

As we continue our adventure at the bossnia dungeon, we met the same monsters over and over again. But at some point on our journey we also met rare spawn MVPs at the dungeon. It's our honor to battle these MVPs.

Garfield... I mean Eddga with his loyal bears

The hard to catch Lady Tanee hiding behind a banana tree.

Not all our encounters were one MVP versus our team. Most of the time we are faced with group of MVPs. We tried to single out an MVP then go back to the other one to prevent commotion on our team. But of course this is not the typical scenario. We ended up killing the easier MVP first before the hard ones.

Freezing combination from Stormy Knight and his Garm mob... yes Garm is now the new mob of Stormy Knight.

Deadly combo from Osiris, Drake, Atroce and Detarus

Bossnia Dungeon will always be a great MVP hunting experience. But because of the frequency of these dungeon event most of the rare MVP loots became common to our server which makes boss hunting less desirable. MVP loots floods our markets each time Bossnia is released on our server. Based on what I have observed, only few teams had participated this time because Bossnia is not rewarding anymore. What makes bossnia desirable is the boss-all-you-want notion and the bonding with the team.

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