Ragnarok Adventures

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Woot Daily Questers

Disclaimer: I am not a woot advocate. It so happen that these weird monks caught my attention

I was performing my usual Daily Quest routine when I notice a group of Monks with the same looks and gender moving in an unusual way. One monk walks ahead then the rest follows the same pattern of walking. There is no doubt that they are woots!

Woots doing the Cargo Delivery Quest

The names given to this monks are not well thought of. They have random names followed by a number. Well for me creating a character with a number means that you ran out of ideas on good names that is why you attached numbers to it to prevent name duplication. This is mostly true when you have to create names for your army of farmers.

Suspicious naming for a character using name and number

Their identical appearance suggests that they are used to farm resources for the owner. I think that monks are the best farmer in our server in terms of survival because of they have buffs and they can heal themselves. And heal accessory is scarce in our server because Vitata Card can only be acquired at the hypermart and Old Card Album.

All of them looks the same

All those characters have reached the maximum level of 99 and are not affiliated to any guild. So I highly doubt that they are after the experience of Cargo Delivery Quest or leveling a guild. My wild guess would be the owner is after the Blue Potion and Yggdrasil Seed reward of the quest.

They are guild-less and has a level of 99

I'm aware that a Daily Quest bot for Cargo Delivery exist but I didn't realize it can be used this way. It seems people are very resourceful nowadays. Imagine the owner of these monks could accumulate lots of supplies in one day.

Nearly finishing the quest on the 5th crate

It's just funny to witness this kinds of situation on a random day. ^_^

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yup, when i do alberta quests i you would also see priests, paladins, knights who are *woots, they have the same appearance aw well as name with obviuos name patterns hehe..its an obvious abuse of using such programs to the max tsk tsk...

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