Ragnarok Adventures

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Lucky Nidhoggur's Nest Farming

Nidhoggur's Nest has been a farming grounds to us. As you all know, Nidhoggur's Shadow drops the most preferred garment called Piece of Angent Skin [1] also known as Proxy [1]. The quest on unlocking the instance dungeon is long and painful that is why only a few adventurers have the patience on finishing the quest. But the rewards are worth it we only need patience. The guide to this dungeon can be viewed at Nidhoggur's Nest.

Starting the battle with my initial Lex Aeterna

Angel and I has been patiently entering this dungeon for two reasons. First is to farm the Piece of Agent Skin [1] because of its market value. I badly need zeny to sustain my characters that is why I'm patient in doing this quest over and over. Second is to level up our characters. If you'll notice my Archbishop is level 150 (sorry for the off aura) but his job was left behind because of my daily quest routine. But nonetheless we're hitting two birds with one stone and that is a good plan.

Our first Piece of Angent Skin [1] drop for the year.

During the run, we were able to finish the first and second maze with ease. We no longer waste too much potions, insurance and token of ziegfried. I guess we already coped with the Renewal changes of the dungeon. On the boss area, we battled Nidhoggur's Shadow head on. Angel concentrates on releasing Extremity Fist while surviving the attacks of the MVP. On the other hand I'm busy maintaining the buffs especially Secrament and Lex Aeterna while enduring the attacks of the mobs. At the end of the battle we are lucky enough to have our first Piece of Angent Skin [1] for this year! The battle lasts for less than 3minutes without us being teleported on the side rooms. The whole run lasts less than 30minutes.


Anonymous said...

I'm a bit curious with your method of killing Nidhoggur. How much does one Lex Aterna'd Guillotine Fist deal? How long does it take to kill it? And is the method costly?

Thanks in advance if answered :).

Herbert said...

I didn't really pay attention with the damage but the last time I saw a number it reached at around 350k++. It took us less than 3 minutes to take him down. Our method only cost me Mastela for healing aside from my personal AFM, Insu and Job Manual. The Sura on the other hand alternately uses Fish Slice, Pills and Yggdrasil Seed for SP and HP refill.

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