Ragnarok Adventures

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Repairing Damaged Equipments

With the dawn of alternate second jobs, the concept of damaged items are introduced in Ragnarok Online. Damaged items are items with a color Red text on its name when you browse the item description. Damaged items cannot be equipped but can be stored in the cart and Kafra. They can only be equipped once you have repaired them.

Damaged Item that needs repairing

The cheapest way to repair damaged items is through the Blacksmith skill Repair Weapon. You only need to consume Iron Ore for level 1 weapons, Iron for level 2 weapons, Steel for level 3 weapons, Rouge Oridicon for level 4 weapons and Steel for Armors.

Blacksmith repairing an Item

If by chance you don’t have a friend Blacksmith to repair the items for you, you can visit the Repair Man and he’ll repair the items for you.

Repairing Items from the Repair Man

You need to pay 5,000z per damaged item to be repaired (pRO Valkyrie). If there are 2 or more damaged items on your inventory, the Repairman will be able to detect them and he’ll be charging you the accumulated expense for all the damaged items.

Repairing costs 5,000z per damaged item

Once you have paid the amount the item is restored to its original form. Congratulations! You can now equip your items again.

Restored item after repairing

Repair Man Locations:
The Repair Man can be visited at selected cities and towns around Midgard. Their exact locations can be viewed below.

Repair Man at the edge of Prontera Upgrading Hall

Repair Man at the right room of Merchant’s Guild in Alberta

Repair Man at Morroc Pyramids

Repair Man at Payon Upgrading Area

Repair Man at Geffen Armory

Repair Man at Al de Baran Armory

Repair Man at Juno Upgrading Hall

Repair Man at right edge of Lighthalzen Armory

Note: If you have additional inputs on Repair Man locations feel free to share them to us. I'll be updating this post if there are additions.


Naitzirk said...

Lighthalzen lower right..

left side ng building..

Herbert said...

Thanks for the addendum Naitzirk.

Unknown said...

Thanks ha!

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