Ragnarok Adventures

Friday, January 28, 2011

Guild Dungeon Switches - WoE 2

War of Emperium has been the best feature of Ragnarok Online. Its about the pride of conquering opposing guild's Agit and defending the Agits you owned. After the heat of the war, the guild members who owns an agit has priviledge of accessing what we call the Guild Dungeons. Basically guild dungeons are dungeons located underneath each war of Emperium maps. But first you need locate the guild dungeon switch in order to access the dungeon. Guild members can level up through the monster spawns, hunt for the guild dungeon MVPs or farm items which can only be gathered at the guild dungeon.

Giving an idea on locations of Guild Dungeon switches for WoE 2 Agits

Switch Locations:
Switch Locations for WoE SE Agits is more accessible compared to WoE 1 Agits. Their location also varies from one Agit to another but they are visible. First use the Flag Warp outside your guild's castle to reach the Emperium Room easily.

Use Flag Warp for instant warp to the Emperium Room

The WoE SE Emperium room contains 10 flag warps. Each flag warps has a specific destination within the castle. Do note that the flag locations varies from one Agit to another but they are all within the boundaries of the Emperium Room. For now, we will only be using LF-10 flag.

Use LF-10 flag to access the Guild's Convenient Facility

Using this flag will bring you to the Guild's Convenient Facility. The area is only accessible to members owning the Agit. Again structure of the said area differs from one agit to another. The portal next to your spawn point is the exit. It will bring you to the entrance area of the Agit.

Arriving at the Guild's Convenient Facility

Navigate inside the Convenient Facility and find a Mysterious Sunflower. The flower is the switch for accessing the guild dungeon. All WoE 2 has the same switch only their location inside the facility differs.

Hold the stem of the Mysterious Sunflower to access the guild dungeon

Congratulations you are now inside the guild dungeon! You may now start leveling up or hunt for rare items.

Inside Nidhoggur's guild dungeon


Anonymous said...

what if ther is no mysterious flower? what should i do?

Herbert said...

I think all agits have mysterious flower.
If incase there isn't you must report it to your GMs.

Unknown said...

Is that a PK dungeon? Is there any other NPC similar to mysterious flower that warp you into another dungeon map?

Herbert said...

Yes it's a PK dungeon. and no there isn't any other NPC that will warp you to another dungeon map.
You should own an agit in order to access the map

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