Ragnarok Adventures

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Bossnia Event - 6th time

When: May 14, 2010
Where: Bossnia Dungeon
Reference Link: May 12, Patch Notes
Previous Bossnia Events:

The Bossnia Event has been offered again from May 12, 2010 to May 19, 2010 to all MVP hunters. The Bossnia Event had a great demand from the players that's why I'm not surprise that the Game Masters managed to release it again. Basically Bossnia is a dungeon full of MVPs ranging from Low End MVPs and High End MVPs. The MVPs inside the dungeon spawns just like a normal mob in which most Low End MVPs were a common while High End MVPs were rare. The scenario seemed frightening but in reality the dungeon is big enough to accommodate MVP battles. There were some changes applied for this time like Baphomet is removed but Nidhoggur has been added in his place with an 8hr spawn time, and Shield Reflect and Redemptio has been disabled on Bossnia maps.

Our guild don't want to be left behind with this kinds of events so we organized a party to experience Bossnia again. Our party composition is a basic one consisting of a tank, support and MVP killer. When we finished organizing our party we entered the dungeon. There are 4 rooms of similar map and spawn so choosing any room is fine. As for our team, we did not stick to just one room but we tend to change room especially if our current room has an MVP waiting at the spawn area.

As we explore the dungeon, we were able to kill countless Low End MVPs. We did meet some of the High End MVPs but most of the time we were killed so we ignored them because we don't have much man power to match their strength. When we engaged in battles with MVPs, there are times that we encounter other boss hunters. We can't stop them from attacking our target because all MVPs are free for all that's why it is important for us to out damage them instead so we will be able to pick up the loots. At the end of our hunting we were able to loot a lot of MVP drops but almost all of them were not valuable in the market. Even if that's the case we were able to enjoy the Bossnia Event and we will definitely enter this dungeon they will offer it again.


Strider~ said...

Wow looks fun! Do you just go with a group of people ? Or are those your guild mates??

Herbert said...

I go with my non-woe guild mates during bossnia events. =)

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