Ragnarok Adventures

Saturday, January 29, 2011

War of Emperium - January 26, 2011

As you may noticed on the past sieges, I'm using my Shadow Chaser for WoE because I'm busy doing Daily Quests on my main siege character. Holidays are over, I got my main siege character to 150 so its time to get serious with the War of Emperium again. I'm taking my Royal Guard to war!

Desperately breaking the Emperium using my low attack speed Royal Guard!

I was late attending the War of Emperium again because of uncontrolled real life circumstances but the war isn't over yet so there is still plenty of time to enjoy the whole siege. While I was preparing my things, our guild is busy reinforcing the defenses of Kingdom of Justice guild at Mardol their home Agit. I was about to join forces with them when I stepped on a wrong warp portal. We spawned at SchatimilAgit. Just to warm up my burning passion for siege I entered the Agit together with my other guild-mates who were mistakenly stepped on the same portal. We managed to reached until Emperium room and to our surprise it has a thin defense so we tried to desperately break the emperium. Thanks Allison's and my Reflect Damage we were able to kill some of their members without actually using any offensive skill. We strongly stood still while attacking their emperium but we were Emergency Called by our guild master.

Reinforcing the Emperium Room

We landed on a safe corner of Mardol Agit. Since the enemy lines are clearly advancing towards the Emperium Room we immediately back up the defenses and try to push the enemy alliance backwards. With full power we maintained solid defense  and we were able to push them back until the second barricade.

Battle at the second barricade with out the barricade defense

The conflict area shifted from Emperium room to the second barricade of the Agit. During the battle I'm about to pass the second barricade area but the number of enemies overwhelmed the pushing troops. I'm about to retreat when I was caught in a Manhole. I survived the barrage of attacks for a while because of the temporary invulnerability granted by being trap on Manhole but when it trap ended I was focused fired and spawned.

Forcefully breaking the Emperium of the opposing guild

The alliance battle continued until near half the second hour of the siege. When the attacking forces has been reduced and Kingdom of Justice guild has maintained a solid defense, our guild retracted and attacked Schatimil Agit. To my surprise its the same Agit that we attacked earlier on the siege. Guess what, a famous guild named Untouchables were the current holders of the Agit. I didn't notice their name until we actually attacked them during that time. I'm not sure if they are the same Untouchables from Chaos Server back in the days. From what I have observed, they have the numbers to be competitive in the WoE scene. I guess they only lack alliance as of the moment.

Defending our newly conquered Agit

As the war near its end, our guild set up our defenses. In my opinion our precast is not that solid but because everyone knows their role well we were able to decently defend the entrance. From time to time we also visit both Guardian Stones and scout the whole area especially the Emperium room using skills revealing hidden players. Scouting is one of our guilds specialty that is why it's hard for a lone breaker to infiltrate our defenses.

Breaking the Emperium of our second agit

Minutes before the war of emperium ends, our guild master has spotted another potential Agit to conquer. We have been Emergency Called on Heemin Agit. We managed to infiltrate the defending guilds defenses including their Emperium Hug defense. Our first Agit was left defenseless but our guild master was confident that it will not fall down easily until the time ends. So we set up our defenses on the second Agit instead.

A bloody after-war skirmish

The war has ended but the wave of enemies still continued. We battled til the last enemy has been taken down. It's also a surprise that Kingdom of Justice guild visited our Agit during this time.

I guess my defensive type Royal Guard is back in action. I created a devotion dedicated party named "PaTaY GuToM GanG™". Its my favorite party name ever since I was participating in WoE back in Loki server days. Joining me in the party are my friends from the former Armor of God guild plus other friends. It's a party having a high coordination if you ask me. And definitely has a valuable contribution to our current guild. =)


Anonymous said...

kuya ano guild mo?

Herbert said...

Current guild is Untouchables under Kool Me.
Character used is Raiden Ishigawa a Sorcerer. =)

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