Ragnarok Adventures

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

War of Emperium - February 5, 2011

For the whole month of February, a Siege Event for WoE 1 called the Odin's Merchant is being implemented where in eligible guilds must conquer a specified Agit in order to participate in the event. One Agit per location (a total of four) is designated as target Agit and it varies per siege. Conquering one of these Agits will entitle the guild master to buy an item worth 2 billion zeny. Items will be as follows: Britoniah provides +11 Piece of Angent Skin [1], Valkyrie Realm provides +11 Hunting Spear [1], Luina provides +11 Ice Pick [1] and Greenwood Lake provides Symbol of Solar God. For the complete announcement visit the Unified Forums.

Victim of Manhole

For these siege event, the target Agits are Neuschwanstein located at the upper left of Luina , Kriemhild located at the lower left of Valkyrie Realm, Leprion located at lower left of Britoniah and Myung-Jung located at upper right of Greenwood Lake. I have no idea about the plans of our alliance regarding siege strategies for the event but from what I have observed our task is to conquer Kriemhild of Valkyrie Realm. We already have fierce battles with the opposing alliance even before this event came so it's not suprising if these siege event will bring a fiercer battles.

Defending the conquered Kriemhild agit

I'm late during the siege so aside from no supply for me I also miss the race conquering part of the first minutes of the war. I joined the siege during the defend mode which I tag as boring part but because of the event the defend mode became challenging. It was so challenging that every second action is crucial.

Someone trying his luck giving me Death Card from the Tarot Cards

The early parts of the siege is a lax for the whole guild. We have the whole alliance to back us up during these times. On the other hand we also have the opposing alliance trying to grab the ownership away from us. We have the luxury of getting out of the emperium room and join the allied members in defending the entrance. We can stray in any parts of the agit trying to chase enemies.

Defending the Agit entrance

As the siege approach the second half the defense become more serious. The wave of enemy guilds became frequent too. All members at this point are advised to stay inside the emperium room because a surprise emergency call from the opposing alliance might bring downfall to the agit we are holding. The precast that we have set up is similar to that of pre renewal but these time we have third job skills added to the mix.

Caught by curse circle from an enemy Sura

Aside from the yummy items up for grabs, we have our guild pride that drives our morale on this siege. We are constantly being attacked by the opposing alliance wave per wave. On our side, we defend the castle with the best of our abilities.

Portal Emergency Call from the Shivans guild

The most devastating part of the siege is when we have been attacked by a series of waves from the opposing alliance. We have a good pre cast and we have a good set up for defense however their number overwhelmed our guild. We couldn't possible sustain a good defense when most of our members have been taken down from one wave to another. And the agit falls to the Genocide guild nearly the end of the siege.

Wave from Illuminati guild

Start of the wave from Genocide guild

There is still time to reclaim so our guild tried to go back to the agit but Genocide guild is quick enough to set up their defenses. I can say that they have a very solid pre cast when I entered their agit so it's impossible to penetrate the agit without an organized attack. Our allied guild came over to aid us in breaking the pre cast and ultimately to break the Emperium. We are successful in breaking the pre cast allowing majority of our members inside the emperium room. We have very few time to break the Emperium so I also joined in the attack. The time runs out and we failed to regain the agit ownership.

Emperium breaking during the last seconds

Oh well we did what we could to regain the agit but the time didn't allow us to. I didn't notice during the siege but it looks like the Genocide guild are defending their Emperium til the end. Their wanderer is still casting Lulluby while a Sura is casting Cursed Circle delaying our members in breaking the Emperium. We still have next week for our vengeance.

At the end of the siege the target agit owners are as follows: Neuschwanstein of Luina is conquered by Illuminati, Kriemhild of Valkyrie Realm is conquered by Genocide, Leprion of Britoniah is conquered by Eternal and Myung-Jungof Greenwood Lake is conquered by Shivans. Congratulations to all of you and enjoy the rewards of conquering those Agits.

For the sake of my readers I'm adding this section for better understanding on what is happening on my screenshots. I'm sorry if the emblems are a bit off. They have been extracted from the screenshots using Paint!

Participating Guilds:
Allied Guilds: 
Kingdom of Justice (KOJ),
rhswrdzrnyvhgzxckljmcxv (RR),

Enemy Guilds:
Genocide (Geno),
Illuminati (Illu),

If there are corrections regarding guild names or other details kindly inform me immediately. Thanks.

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