Ragnarok Adventures

Monday, February 28, 2011

Playing with ROR and ROFL

When boredom strikes, I tested how effective the ROR and ROFL combo on my Auto shadow spell build Shadow Chaser. I equipped him with the usual gears but without other auto cast gears except those two accessories. Seems a fine plan to me so I went out of the city and traveled into some dungeons.

Meteor Strike and Heal auto cast at the same time

If some of you are wondering what ROR and ROFL is. Its a short term for Ring of Resonance and Ring of Flame Lord. You may want to visit my Terms and Abbreviation page to know more about the terms commonly used for pRO. Both accessories a rare drops of Ifrit the MVP who resides at the third floor of Thor dungeon. Ifrit can also be found in Endless Tower at the 85th floor to be specific. Just a warning, Ifrit is an MVP which is hard to deal with. You need a competent party in order to take him down. As for me, I got these two rings from the Convert and Receive promo of pRO.

Common auto cast of Gloria Domini and my copied spell Lightning Bolt

The skills that proc during my tests were not that bad. Some skills are commonly seen like Gloria Domini, Lex Aeterna and Sonic Blow. It's like every time I hit a monster they auto cast those random spells. The damage from this spells are not that great actually but this is maybe because of the weapon I'm using. Most of the time a lot of damage is going on that I couldn't see the damages done by my auto cast skills.

Rare seen auto cast Bowling Bash

Its rare for me to be hit by the monsters on the map so I haven't really seen the effectiveness of ROR on my build. When I got mobbed and hit the common spells that I've seen proc are Quagmire and Assumptio. Maybe for AGI builds like mine, ROFL alone would be the best to use and as for the other accessory just slot any accessory of choice. For defensive type on the other hand can effectively use ROR alone and just slot another accessory of choice. But then again if you want the other skills being auto casted from the combo you can wear both.

Azura Strike from a Shadow Chaser /gg

Of course my test with the accessory will not be complete without the rarest and hard to proc Guillotine Fist! Guillotine Fist also known as Azura Strike and Extremity Fist is considered the most damaging spell of Monks. But on my test, it doesn't look that way. I only got around 40,081 damage which is way too far from the damage of a Monk class. I have a max SP of around 1200 and during that time it is almost full, high STR and maybe a wrong weapon. Guillotine Fist on auto cast is not that grand as it looks.

A little downside though of auto casting Guillotine Fist, all your SP will be consumed so you'll be left with nothing in order to cast some of your buff skills. I don't recommend wearing both accessory when your main goal is to level up using the combo accessory. But if you can bear the consumed SP after a successful Guillotine Fist auto cast then you may do so. If you are leveling for a long period you will surely feel that the proc for Guillotine Fist once in a while.


Anonymous said...

nicely done :)

Anonymous said...

I just stand and heal myself in a dungeon wearing ror, rofl and anything that has auto-reflect. The auto-reflect activates the ring effects whenever a monster hits me. Sweet!

Herbert said...

Thats a good one mate. Reflect leveling sure is a fun way to level up even if you're AFK. =)

Anonymous said...

yes, asura from the ifrit set sucks coz it tiggers only lvl1 asura... but the set gives nice autocasts when combined like sonic blow lvl5, meteor assault lvl2, occult impaction lvl5, and lex aeterna

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