Ragnarok Adventures

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Log In Event: Kung Hei Fat Choi

On a Thursday night (February 3, 2011), I'm surprised that I can't log into the server. I tried logging in many times but it seems that the server is down. I checked the Unified Forums and pRO Official facebook account and found out that they have brought back the Log In event. This time around the log in Event is for the celebration of Chinese New Year. Players are encouraged to log in and play for at least 3 hours from 4:30pm to 11:59pm in order to receive the special give away items. Official mechanics of the event can be viewed at the Unified Forums.

Hanging out at Alberta Hagdan during the event

As you all know, pRO Valkyrie has the heaviest population among the servers so these kind of event has a big impact on the capacity of the server. Its very hard for us to enter the game and always prompts us the "Failed to connect" error message. By the time you entered the game, you'll be experiencing extreme lag. I can barely walk continuously so I click movement commands slowly to avoid time gaps. I can't afford to character select or change map because I'm afraid of being disconnected from the game.

Since I'm cautious with my actions, I just covered the area where I'm currently at which is Alberta. A lot of players participated this event and they make a pub of their start time and end time to indicate that they are targetting the minimum time of 3 hours. Some people chat during the event but most of them are idle. Maybe they are also afraid of being disconnected just like me.

A little weird but funny pub from a player

The event is successful to those who can log in but pretty much there are also players who choose not to play the game during this time. Nonetheless these event gives free items which is a good thing for everyone especially to players who are just starting up. Its a short and simple event that gives us an idea of the server capacities. I hope they'll consider increasing the capacity for Valkyrie. The influx of logged in players did not overwhelm the system but the lag makes the server unplayable with this much population. =)

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