Ragnarok Adventures

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Poll Result: Which Section would you like to have more posts?


All votes are in! I would like to thank everyone who participated on the poll that I made as feedback for my site. It means a lot to me. The poll ran for about 2 months and I got a got a lot of votes more than I expected. I hope I will meet your expectations. I am looking forward for your active participation on the next polls to come. =)

Poll Result after the break.

Based on the results above, majority of you would like me to create more post regarding guides. Just to clarify things regarding the guides, please don't expect too much because it takes time to create guides. I conduct research and confirmation before I post guides. I want my post to have a reliable and accurate data as much as possible. Lastly, I make guides with in-game screen shots so that means that my ability to create them are limited to use my created characters, in-game zeny (if needed) and game time.

The three items namely Adventures, WoE and Random Stuff almost had the same votes.

For WoE, I can create WoE post whenever there are interesting events happened within the period. Everytime I participate in the war I have my sets of screen shots. I review the shots after siege and ask myself if its really worth posting. Is there something different from this WoE with the rest of WoE that I have? If there is then you'll be seeing that post after 2 to 3 days. I know it's somewhat late post but I'll see to it that it will be interesting to read.

Then you like Random Stuff. Random Stuff is the tag I used for anything that can be interesting but cannot fall on my major categories. This may be in-game or Ragnarok related events/things which is worth while to read. These posts are the easiest to create because It only consist my personal story and opinion. I don't need to research or get my facts straight. Maybe you'll be seeing more of this more than the guides. =)

Last on the list are my Adventures. It seems it is not favored but I give my thanks to those who voted for it. I know its very self centered of me to create a post featuring me, my party and my guild mates but I making such post to inspire players to go on an adventure aside from the usual WoE, PVP, PK, BG, market and idle times. Midgard is a vast land for an adventure so I hope that you explore more too. My site title Ragnarok Adventures is inspired by these adventures.

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