Ragnarok Adventures

Monday, February 21, 2011

War of Emperium - February 19, 2011

The last week for the series of Odin's Merchant sieges has finally come. All competitive guilds are now gear up to conquer one of the target Agits for the week. This weeks chosen Agits are Nuemberg located at center of Luina, Bergel located at center of Britoniah, Lazeagues located at center of Valkyrie Realm and Bool-Young located at upper right of Greenwood Lake. Since this is the last of the series it means this is also the last chance for guilds to purchase the rare gear prizes worth 2 billion zeny each. These prizes are +11 Piece of Angent Skin [1] for Britoniah, +11 Hunting Spear for Valkyrie Realm, +11 Ice Pick for Luina and Symbol of Solar God for Greenwood Lake.

Early battles at Bergel Agit

Our guild didn't have a clear plan at the very start of the siege. Also only few members attended the early part of the siege so our guild master decided to join the alliance invasion in Bergel Agit. From what I remember LU has an out of game event for Valentines called LUV ROKs during this time so I guess some of the players attended that event.

Struggling to survive from the entrance defense

The battle inside the Bergel Agit was very intense because of a solid defense from the opposing alliance. We had a hard time penetrating their defenses because of their huge number. The third map and Emperium room contains a pre-cast while the second map and entrance contains lone members trying to give an early battle. Our guild master was able to use Emergeny Call at the Emperium room once and did a significant damage to their pre-cast however the other alliance was able to counter our attack with another Emergency Call too. I can say that they have an overwhelming number at the Emperium room.

Entrance defense at Valkyrie Realm

It seems that we had a hard time pressing their defenses so we shift our target to Valkyrie Realm. During that time Kingdom of Justice, a member of our alliance has the Agit so we concentrated on defending the Agit. It's a little boring defending an Agit entrance without someone attacking the Agit but in a way it saves some of our supplies.

Invading a defended Luina agit

Since no one is attacking the Valkyrie Realm Agit our guild master thought of finding an Agit potential for a bloody battle. It so happen that an Agit in Luina has a defense so we were Emergency Called there. During our invasion the defending guild are using Emperium Hug defense. We don't have any choice but to plunge inside that defense and break their Emperium. Lucky for my party mates that they are under my Devotion so they were able to survive the skirmish that we have.

Invading a defended Greenwood Lake Agit

The guild versus guild battle did not end in Luina Agit. Our guild master was able to find another potential target in Greenwood Lake so had another intense battle there too. But their defense is not that tight compared to the one we invaded in Luina.

Invasion of Lazeagues Agit

As the war heats up on the second hour, our guild went back to Lazeagues Agit to assist our alliance in defending or conquering the agit. I'm not really sure which is which since we were just Emergency Called that time and I haven't confirm who had the agit during that time.

Invasion of Bool-Young Agit

After our quick assist on a Valkyrie Realm Agit, we were commanded to invade Bool-Young Agit in Greenwood Lake. The agit does not have a defense until the Emperium room. To my surprise the Agit has a solid defense from the other alliance. Looks like they are serious in conquering all target Agits from the siege event. Even if we were outnumbered we still tried our luck pushing their defenses.

Going back to invade Lazeagues Agit

After our Greenwood Lake invasion, our guild master decided to go back and invade Lazeagues Agit. And it looks like we are helping the alliance again to conquer the Agit. I looked at the time and we are now on a buzzer beater to break their Emperium. We tried our best to eliminate as many enemies as possible but there are a lot of people inside the Emperium room. They even have an Emperium Hug defense too.

End of the War and we didn't make it

The Emperiuim Hug defense is really tight and we had a hard time pressing their defense. I also had a hard time moving forward because I'm conscious with my party mates under my Devotion. I'm trying not to go far enough to break the Devotion range. The Howling of Mandragora and strip effect from Earth Strain is also giving me a hard time choosing my priority skills to cast. The war ended and we didn't break the Emperium.

The war continues even after the Emperium disappeared

The war rages even after the siege. People get too excited for bloody wars when they see a lot of players to battle with. At the end of the siege the target agit owners are as follows: Nuemberg of Luina is conquered by Madness and Mayhem, Lazeagues of Valkyrie Realm is conquered by Shivans. Bergel of Britoniah is conquered by Prestige and Bool-Young of Greenwood Lake is conquered by Genocide. Congratulations to all of you and enjoy the rewards of conquering those Agits.

Participating Guilds:

Allied Guilds: Photobucketrhswrdzrnyvhgzxckljmcxv (RR), PhotobucketKingdom of Justice (KOJ), PhotobucketEternal

Enemy Guilds: PhotobucketEndless, PhotobucketPrestige, PhotobucketGenocide, PhotobucketShivans

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