Ragnarok Adventures

Friday, February 11, 2011

pRO Valkyrie’s Tribute to Pres Cory Aquino

Archive Post from August 2009

Our country had been mourning for the loss of Madam Pres. Cory Aquino. She is the reason for the rebirth of Democracy in our Country. In pRO we also have our own way of giving tribute to our great leader with our own small way.

At around 5pm in the afternoon, GM Chastity called everyone for an event. The event is simply to distribute Yellow Bandana to each player who will be joining the event as a tribute for our dear Pres Cory Aquino. I didn’t bother to attending the said event since I have a yellow bandana already inserted on my account. The event venue is very confusing. At first the giving of bandanas will be at Prontera then changed to Hugel then changed back to Prontera again. When the distribution of Yellow bandana has ended, GM Chastity asked all the players of Valkyrie to wear the Yellow Bandana and form a letter L. This is the sign used by the Filipino people during the Edsa Revolution as a protest to the dictatorship.

As expected, the event was very chaotic. With the diverse community that we have in Valkyrie, we are not expecting a 100% cooperation form everyone. Just below the Prontera fountain, everyone is flocking GM Chastity. So forming a human letter L is really impossible to achieve. Some players began to form another letter L at the top portion of the Prontera fountain. I joined that group since it’s more organized. After some efforts of giving instructions to everyone, we have finally achieved a clear letter L. As proud Filipinos we waved the Philippine Flag while taking our own screenshots. As a prize our server will have a modified experience on Aug 19, 2009.

That’s not the end of paying tribute to our dear president. Since our government had declared that day a holiday, I was able to join my guild for WoE (War of Emperium). As early as 7pm I already asked my guild mates to add me in the guild. I was surprised that our guild master has changed our emblem to a yellow ribbon. I guess he is also paying tribute for President Cory.

During the whole WoE, we are proud in wearing the yellow ribbon emblem. Some of the members are also wearing Yellow Bandanas sacrificing their precious WoE headgears. Even our party name is a tribute to our president.

Thank You and Good Bye President Cory Aquino.

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