Ragnarok Adventures

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Player Feedback


Its time to give thanks again to my avid readers. I need to publish this as soon as I can because I have accumulated a lot of shots containing inspiring feedback from my co-players in Valkyrie server. To those who aren't playing in my server you can always dropped your message on the chat box that I have provided. It is labeled as Megaphone located at the lower right part of my site.

I appreciate all your comments. I also won't mind inquiries or quick questions. I'll answer them as long as I know the one your asking. Keep them coming! Your comments tells me that I have readers out there. hohoho

Anyways read the comments that I have gathered and answered back after the break.

I'm sorry if I'm always AFK in-game. It means I'm doing something else outside the game. Maybe this will be my way of answering back to your comments you leave on my pub.

To Zel Sakura, thanks for the picture taking but I don't consider myself as celebrity since I'm also a regular player like you.


To Privaron Espada of Genocide guild, thanks for appreciating my WoE posts even though I always picture your guild as our enemy. I know your on the other side of the alliance but I tried to be as transparent as possible on my posts. And yes I'll be creating more interesting WoE posts.


To Incohatus, thanks for dropping by but I don't think I can make a guide for leveling places just for Shadow Chasers. As you know I'm only leveling up my characters through daily quest. Maybe you can refer to our Unified Forums for more info. =(


For all who visited my pub. thanks.  Hope to hear more players feedback too.








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