Ragnarok Adventures

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Training Grounds - Side Quests

Training grounds has been upgraded to be more newbie friendly. The area now caters more on introducing the basics of the game which includes the navigation, interface, common NPCs, gears, how to battle and a lot more. One of the improvements that I noticed on the training grounds is the addition of Side Quests. It very easy and rewarding quests for newbies.

Enjoy the training grounds with quests

Side Quests:
The side quests are not really part of the main tutorial provided on the training grounds. However you may perform them for spicing up your leveling time on the area plus you'll be receiving good start up rewards.

Brade Quest:
The quest can be triggered once you are sent to the practical exam area. To be more specific it is the map where you will have the actual battle with monsters. Talk to Brade and receive his simple quest which is to hunt a Poring.

Quest details from Brade

The area is full of Porings so it will not be difficult for you to hunt a Poring. Once finished talk to Brade again and he'll hand over a Novice Cutter as a reward. Novice Cutter is a weapon which will be very helpful on your training grounds life. It's way better than the Novice Knife which is initially given to you.

Finishing the quest from Brade

To start the other side quest, notice a group of NPCs lined up on the upper right portion of Brade. These are the first job class NPCs which gives you an overview with the different job class in Ragnarok World. They also lends Manual Accessories for you to try out the first job skills. For more info you may want to visit my Training Grounds - Manual Accessories post. Aside from those accessories some of them also provides quest for you to try out the job class.

Swordsman Side Quest:
It can be received by talking to the Swordsman NPC and selecting the quest option. In order to perform the quest, borrow the Swordsman Manual Accessory.

Quest details from the Swordsman NPC

The quest explictly requires the use of 'Bash' skill during your hunt on Picky. Equip the Swordsman Manual Accessory then drag and drop the Bash Skill on your quick slot.

Using bash to hit Picky

The Picky cannot be found on the easy area so you will talk to the Trainer NPC to move to the difficult area. In order to finish the quest you must kill 2 Picky using Bash skill. But in reality you just have to kill 2 Picky and gain the kill count.

Reward for finishing the quest

When finish return to the Swordsman NPC and he'll reward you with 200pcs Novice Potions.

Thief Quest:
It can be received by talking to the Thief NPC and selecting the quest option. In order to perform the quest, borrow the Thief Manual Accessory.

Quest details from the Thief NPC

Just like the Swordsman side quest, this quest explicitly requires the use of 'Double Attack' skill during your hunt for Willow. Equip the Thief Manual Accessory and you'll automatically receive the Double Attack passive skill.

Killing Willows for the quest

The Willow is also found on the difficult area. Hunt 5 Willows and it doesn't matter if the Double Attack procs or not as long as you kill 5 Willows.

When finish return to the Thief NPC and he'll reward you with 1pc Field Manual, 1pc Bubble Gum and 1pc Food Box Vol 3.

Merchant Quest:
It can be received by talking to the Merchant NPC and selecting the quest option. In order to perform the quest, borrow the Merchant Manual Accessory.

Quest details from the Merchant NPC

The quest is only asking you to gain 300 zeny by selling loots. But if you analyze the situation you still have to battle monsters and gain loots to be sold in the NPC. Or you also have the option to loot galore by striking at Porings and hope it contains several loots

Selling the items to the Merchant NPC beside the Trainer

Remember to equip the Merchant Manual Accessory before selling because the equipment will grant Overcharge lvl10 which is very helpful in gaining the required zeny. Check your current zeny by pressingn CTRL + V.

Gained more than 300z from the loots.

When finish return to the Merchant NPC and he'll reward you with 7pcs Phracon.

Mage Quest:
It can be received by talking to the Mage NPC and selecting the quest option. In order to perform the quest, borrow the Mage Manual Accessory.

Quest details from the Mage NPC

Just like what the other quests, this quest also explicitly requires the use of 'Fire Bolt' skill when hunting Lunatics. Equip the Mage Manual Accessory then drag and drop the Fire Bolt skill into your quickslot.

Hunting for Lunatics using Fire Bolt

The Lunatics are found in the easy area and it's very easy to hunt them. Even if the quest requires the use of Fire Bolt, in reality you just have to kill 5 Lunatics in any means to finish the quest.

When finish return to the mage NPC and she'll reward you with 1pc Field Manual, 1pc Bubble Gum and 1pc Food Box Vol 3.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes! The extra manuals and gums and food boxes are worth staying an hour or two at the newbie grounds.

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