Ragnarok Adventures

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Mini Hypermart

Mini Hypermart is a convenient hypermart provided to adventurers. It is like a miniature hypermart which contains a limited number of essential goods which is readily available for purchase. You can purchase these hypermart goods anytime anywhere as long as you have the money to do so.

Showing the convenience of mini hypermart

The mini hypermart is located at the upper right edge of your window. It is just above the mini map. Its icon resembles a cart with an engraved text 'OFF'.

Closed mini hypermart

If you want to purchase a product on the mini hypermart just click on the icon. A pop up window will appear showing you the products available. On the other hand the icon changes to a cart with an engraved text 'CASH'. This means that you are currently checking out the products at the mini hypermart.

Open mini hypermart

Please remember that the mini hypermart only opens if you have available ROK points. If you don't have ROK points then it won't open or if it opens it will display an error message.

Items sold in mini hypermart

The mini hypermart can only display 10 items at a given time. The contents changes every maintenance so watch out for the weekly changes. From observation the first five products located at the top top are mini hypermart stay in except for the scroll for the week. The last five products located below are the featured products for the week.

Purchasing an item on the hypermart

If you want to purchase a product on the hypermart just click on the product and  indicate the quantity of the product to be purchased. See to it that you have enough ROK points to purchase the product or else you'll be prompt with an error message. But if you are successful click on buy to purchase the product. Congratulations you have purchased a product on the mini hypermart.

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