Ragnarok Adventures

Friday, April 15, 2011

kRO Sakray's Renewal Skill Balance


kRO Sakray has released a big patch this week regarding skill balancing for third jobs. The skill balancing includes most of the job classes that haven't received any updates since the start of renewal in Sakray. The information are taken from the kRO patchnotes for this week. The one posted on my site is the translated skill balance from iRO wiki.

I believe that I'm obliged to present to you this changes because it will affect our current and future builds. I have no idea when will this huge patch reach our official servers but definitely it reach us anytime soon. We definitely need this balances as soon as possible.

I'm hoping that this balances will bring light on using third jobs for the RWC 2011 matches. But we don't know what Gravity plans for the most anticipated Ragnarok World Championship. Lets just wait and see. Read the rest of the post after the break.

Sakray Skill Balance Changes (translated by Doddler)
(Note: It's possible, even likely that some translation mistakes appear here. Please don't rely too heavily on the translation provided as it may not be 100% accurate)

Rune Knight
Enchant Blade
- Changed to be self cast only.
- Bonus damage formula changed.

Hundred Spear
- Casting time changed.
- Damage formula changed.

Ignition Break
- Damage formula changed.
Rune Knight Rune Abilities
Verkana Rune
- Duration changed from 300s to 180s

Rhydo Rune
- Changed from a targeted skill to a buff. When used, your next attack will cast crush strike. After casting the effect is removed. Weapon breaking chance changed. Buff lasts 30 seconds.

Nosiege Rune
- After being used you cannot be affected by status effects for 60 seconds. HP recovery set to 25%.
- Removes the following Debuffs: Stun, Silence, Curse, Petrify, Poison, Blind, Bleeding, Chaos, Freeze, Cold, Lock, Burning, Guillotine Cross Poison, Marsh of Abyss, Howling of Mandragora.

Turisus Rune
- Duration time is Changed.

Hagalas Rune
- Duration time and Magic defense increase is affected by Job Lv and Rune Mastery level.
- Duration time is changed.

Isia Rune
- Duration time is changed.

Urj Rune
- Duration time is changed. (300s -> 180s)
Guillotine Cross
Dark Illusion
- Range is changed (4 + (Skill Level) cell increase)
- Can be used on WoE maps again.

Counter Slasher
- Damage formula is changed (Increased by users BaseLv, Agi, and JobLv)

Hallucination Walk
- Skill HP cost is changed.

Rolling Cutter
- Damage formula is changed.
- Caster's BaseLv increases damage.
- At level 5 the radius is increased (3 x 3 -> 5 x 5)

Cross Ripper Slasher
- Range is changed: 8 + (Skill lvl) cells.
- Damage formula is changed (Increased by users BaseLv and Agi).
Arch Bishop
- SP cost is increased. (280 / 320 / 360)
- Higher JobLv increases the Str/Int/Dex given (1 ~ 5 bonus stats).

Canto Canditus
- SP Cost is changed. (200 / 220 / 240)
- Higher JobLv increases Agi given (1 ~ 5 bonus stats).

Coluceo Heal
- SP Cost is changed. (200 / 220 / 240)
- Higher number of party members increases healing done.

- SP Cost is changed. (80 + (SkillLv x 10) )
- The defensive power of the barrier increases with more players in party.

Lauda Agnus
- Now additionally removes Burning, Cold, and Lock (Diamond Dust) status.

Lauda Ramus
- Now additionally removes Howling of Mandragora and Deep Sleep.

- Can now be used to remove critical wounds.

- Can now be used on other players.
White Imprison
- Instead of breaking on magic ghost damage, breaks on any ghost damage.
- Can be removed with the priest skill 'Status Recovery'.

Recognized Spell
- SP Cost changed (80 + (SkillLv * 20) )
- Skill Cooldown time changed.
- Duration changed. (30 + (SkillLv * 30) ) seconds.

- SP cost changed (400 + SkillLv x 80)
- Skill fixed casting time changed.
- Skill cooldown time changed.
- Global cooldown time changed.
- When a warlock party member is within 7x7 area when cast, comet deals full damage to all targets in the blast.

Chain Lightning
- Damage formula changed.
- Now deals additional damage the more times it chains.

Earth Strain
- Skill range increased ( 3 cells -> 6 cells)

Summon Fireball / Waterball / Ball Lightning / Stone
- Skill duration changed

Reading Spellbook
- Skill fixed cast time changed.
- Variable cast time changed.
- Skill reuse delay removed.
Silver Sniper
- Skill duration changed.

Magic Decoy
- Skill duration changed.

Boost Knuckle
- Variable cast time changed.
- Damage formula changed.
- User's base level increases damage done.

Pile Bunker
- Buff removal chance changed.
- Skill range changed (3 cells -> 3 / 4 / 5 cells)
- Can now remove more buffs. Removes Gentle Touch: Change, Gentle Touch: Revitalize, Shield Reflect, Defending Aura, Reflect Damage, Prestige, Banding

Vulcan Arm
- Global Cooldown time changed.
- Damage formula changed.
- User's BaseLv increases damage done.

Arm Cannon
- SP cost is changed. (SP 40 / 45 / 50)
- Variable cast time changed.
- Range changed. (9 / 11 / 13)
- Damage formula is changed.
- User's base level increases damage done.
Flame Launcher
- Skill fixed cast time changed.
- Variable cast time changed.

- Duration changed.

- Duration Changed.
- While hovering you cannot be attacked by firewalk, electric walk, and vacuum extreme.

Mainframe Remodel
- Defense increase changed from 4 / 7 / 11 / 15 to 40 / 60 / 80 / 100.
- Overheat limit changed (100 -> 150)

Self Destruct
- Fixed cast time changed.
- Variable cast time changed.
- Skill cooldown time changed.
- Damage formula changed.
- User's Base Level increases damage done.
- Now consumes 3 fuel.
- Skill requirements changed. Previously required 200 sp to finish casting, now can be cast regardless of SP remaining.

Emergency Cool
- Skill fuel cost changed. (2 -> 1)
- The amount of heat removed by the skill is changed.

Infrared Scan
- Skill fixed cast time removed.
- Skill success rate changed to 100%.
- Regardless of wether detected or not, all enemy's in range have evasion reduced for 5 seconds.

Magnetic Field
- Skill fuel cost changed. (3 -> 2)
- Skill area of effect changed (3x3 / 5x5 / 7x7 -> 5x5 for all levels)
- Drains 50 sp every second.
- Will now remove quagmire and similar abilities from targets.

Neutral Barrier
- Removed variable cast time.
- Skill reuse time changed to 90 seconds.
- Skill radius changed. (3x3 -> 5x5)

Stealth Field
- SP cost changed. (80 / 100 / 120)
- Variable cast time removed.
- Skill reuse time changed.
- Skill effect radius changed. (3x3 -> 5x5)
- SP drain while active changed. (1% per 3s / 1% per 4s / 1% per 5s)
- Movement speed decrease changed. (30% -> 20%)

- Variable cast time changed.
- Skill range changed. (4 + SkillLv) cells
- Consumed Item changed. Previously 1 fuel. Now level 1 and 2 take 1 RepairA, level 3 and 4 take 1 RepairB, and level 5 takes 1 RepairC.
- Max HP recovered changed. (6/9/12/15/18% -> 4/7/13/17/23%)
Shadow Chaser
- Continuous SP cost changed. (5/4/3/2/1% -> 10/8/6/4/2%)
- Detecting skills no longer cancel Invisibility.

- Can be used in siege and pvp maps. Cannot be used in any other regions.

Dimension Door
- Only teleports players in your own party.

- Effect changed from Provoke to 'Frenzy' status.
- Can now be used in Siege and PVP maps.

All Masquerade Skills
- Cannot be used on boss monsters.

Feint Bomb
- Instead of backstepping when using the skill, you are immediately placed in hiding.
Royal Guard
Reflect Damage
- Damage reflect chance changed.
- Maximum number of reflects added. (30 at max level)
- SP cost changed. (80/100/120/140/160)
- Maintenance SP cost changed.
- Can only reflect short ranged attacks. (Does not reflect trap damage)

Pinpoint Attack
- SP cost changed. (30 -> 50)
- Damage formula changed.

Exceed Break
- Fixed cast time changed.
- SP cost changed. (20 / 32 / 44 / 56 / 68)
- Damage formula changed.

- SP cost changed (32 / 44 / 56 / 68 / 72)

Ray of Genesis
- SP cost changed (60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80)

- SP cost changed (80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120)
- Stat increase changed.
- Attack power increase changed.
Gate of Hell
- Increased damage when used in a combo.

Crescent Elbow
- Duration time changed.
- Activation chance changed.
- Damage formula changed.

Lightning Walk
- Duration time changed.
- Activation chance changed.

Howling of Lion
- SP cost changed. (80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120)

Gentle Touch: Cure
- Skill reuse time changed.
- HP Recovery Changed.

Gentle Touch: Energy Gain
- Fixed cast time changed.

Gentle Touch: Change
- Skill reuse time changed.
- MaxHP reduction changed.
- Consumes spheres equal to skill level.

Gentle Touch: Revitalize
- Consumes spheres equal to skill level.
- MaxHP increase changed.
- Increase in defense changed.
- Fixed cast time changed. (1s / 1.5s / 2s / 2.5s / 3s)
Wanderer & Minstrel
Swing Dance
- Attack speed bonus is no longer based on job level, but on the level of Lessons learned.

Moonlit Serenade
- Magic attack increase formula changed.

Windmill Rush
- Physical attack increase formula changed

- Skill limit of objects placed removed.

Severe Rainstorm
- Skill reuse time changed.

Poem of the Netherworld
- Priest skill 'Status Recovery' and Sura skill 'Cure' can now remove this status.
- Can no longer be placed at a targets feet.

Voice of Siren
- Skill success rate changed.

Deep Sleep Lullaby
- Changed to be centered around the caster.
- Skill range changed. (11x11 / 13x13 / 15x15 / 17x17 / 19x19)
- Skill success rate changed.
- Stats reduce the duration time.
- Deep Sleep can be removed by a Bishop's Laura Ramus, a Sura's Cure, and a wanderer/minstrel's Sound of Destruction.
- Can be used on all maps.

Melancholy (Gloomy Day)
- SP cost changed.
- Skill cooldown time changed.
- Evasion reduction changed.
- Attack speed reduction changed.
- Has a chance to remove movement speed by half and cuase the target to dismount from their dragon/gryphon/peco.
- Can now affect Hundred Spear.
- Damage increase changed.

Great Echo
- Skill effect changed.
- Increased the damage for additional wanderer/minstrel's in party.
- Damage formula changed.

Song of Mana
- Skill effect changed.
- Increased SP recovery for additional wanderer/minstrel's in party

Sound of Destruction
- Skill reuse time added.
- Skill effect changed. Was around 1 target, now is ground targeted.
- Skill area of effect is changed. (9x9 / 9x9 / 11x11 / 11x11 / 13x13)
- Any bard or dancer skill effects are removes.
- Success chance is changed.
- When an effect is removed, it deals damage to the target.
- When an effect is removed, the target has a 100% chance to be stunned.
- Can no longer be used in maps where PVP is not allowed.

Lerad's Dew
- Area of effect is changed. (11x11 / 11x11 / 13x13 / 15x15)

Melody of Sink
- Skill effect changed. Causes a sudden loss in SP, and lowers INT.
- Skill duration changed.
- Area of effect is changed. (11x11 / 11x11 / 13x13 / 15x15)

Warcry of Beyond
- Skill effect is changed. Causes a drop in Max HP but increases STR and Critical rate.
- Area of effect is changed. (11x11 / 11x11 / 13x13 / 15x15)

Unlimited Humming Voice
- Skill reuse time is changed. (110 / 120 / 130 / 140 / 150 seconds)
- Area of effect is changed. (11x11 / 11x11 / 13x13 / 15x15)
Spell Fist
- Skill bonus damage changed.

Vacuum Extreme
- Can no longer affect Mechanics when in Hovering status.

Cloud Kill
- Skill fixed cast time changed.

Poison Buster
- Skill fixed cast time changed.
- Variable cast time changed.

- Bonus weapon damage formula is changed. Now gives [ { (SkillLevel * 2) + 8) * Target's Weapon Level]
- In regular fields, can only be cast on party members.

Earth Grave
- Skill fixed cast time changed.

Diamond Dust
- Skill fixed cast time changed.

- Skill fixed cast time changed.
- Skill variable cast time changed.
- Skill cooldown time changed.
- Skill duration changed.

Vartyr Spear
- Skill fixed cast time changed.
- Skill variable cast time changed.

- Skill fixed cast time changed.
- Skill variable cast time changed.
- Range around target changed. Area is now 3x3 / 3x3 / 5x5 / 5x5 / 7x7.
- Success formula changed.

Sorcerer Summon Skills
- When using a medium type summon in passive configuration (to change element of psychic wave), Psychic Wave skill cast time is increased by 1.5 times.

Thorn Trap
- Max number of placed traps changed.
- Can no longer be placed under a targets feet.
- Traps can no longer be placed on other traps.
- Can be used on WoE maps again.

Howling of Mandragora
- Area of Effect changed (11x11 / 13x13 / 13x13 / 15x15 / 15x15)
- Success rate changed.

Mix Cooking
- Success rate formula changed.
- Number of items produced on success changed.

Create Bomb
- Success rate changed.
- Number of items produced on success changed.

Special Pharmacy
- Success rate changed.

Silent Breeze (Homunculus skill)
- Duration time changed.
- Has a 100% chance to cause silence, but blocks other status effects.


Anonymous said...

Hi, just wanna say that your Blog its owesome. You give a lot more info than the official site and explain well using screen shots. You help me a lot. ^^
Keep up the good work and hope to see in ro world.

Soo said...

I'm playing kRO...

and Royal Guard...

Fuck!! RD patch make me despair...

Herbert said...

I also main Royal Guards. but I also have rants about RD. On an alliance versus alliance perspective RD is so overpowered skill. 5 RG who just walks into the opposing guild can wipe as many opponents as possible.
I have a big request if you may. Can you give us a glimpse on the change on Exceed Break, Pin Point Attack and Inspiration. Are they nerfed horribly? Because from iROwiki they said Overbrand has decreased in attack power.

Anonymous said...

sir pede mag tanong ano formula ng pinpoint attack?? thx XD

Herbert said...

hindi ko po alam

WanderingWanderer said...

yung Deep Sleep Lullaby po still affects party members? :D thanks po :D

Herbert said...

As far as I know yes affected pa din ang mga allies sa AOE ng Deep Sleep Lullaby. pero lets see pa din kung ano talaga yung mapupunta sa mga servers.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, this was mostly the information I was looking for! Very detailed! <3

Anonymous said...

i hope u show us how damage formula changed..
it is damage become higher or lower...

Herbert said...

I'm sorry but that's everything I got based from the patch notes posted in kRO. Everything written here is from the translated kRO patch from Doddler.

Herbert said...

It's not yet implemented. It will be the next patch to be release in pRO.

Anonymous said...

Royal Guard
Reflect Damage
- Damage reflect chance changed.
- Maximum number of reflects added. (30 at max level)

by Chance na lang ang Reflect damage?
if nagconnect ang reflect damage, 30 times lang siya pwede?

Anonymous said...

any news on overbrand sir?

Anonymous said...

too bad for rangers. no updates. T_T

Anonymous said...

grabe nmn kinawawa ung summon skills ng sorc O.O d man lng binawasan ung range ng mandragora ng genetic O.O sana inaus nila ung mandragora, okaya sana na cu-cure na xa ng any herbs or potion O.O or stat rec or anything

Herbert said...

D ko sure yung chance ng reflect damage.
And yes limited na lang sya sa 30 reflects tapos need mo irecast ulit.
And additional change Melee attacks na lang ang pedeng ma reflect damage

Overbrand SP cost lang ang change

Rangers update meron din. d ko lang nailagay.
Example is Fire Trap magiging fire property na sya instead of neutral.

Howling of Mandragora nerfed na po sa balancing.
Lumiit yung AoE nya tapos nareresist na sya heavily by stats.
Nacucure na din sya ng isa sa Lauda skills ng AB.
Lam ko natatangal na din sya ng Refresh rune yata yun basta yung immunity rune.
Tapos ndi na tinatablan ang mga naka Inspiration na RG.

Anonymous said...

sure balancing na din SP time after mag EF ?

Herbert said...

Yes lam ko part din yan sa balancing patch.

pedodobear said...

thanks for the blog paikot ikot din ako sa mga blogs and other sites lalo sa royal guards thanks bro

Herbert said...

No worries pedodobear. glad to help.
lakas din ng RG mo lagi kong na eencounter. =)

Anonymous said...

Hi..ask ko lng..dba po my latest rebalance rumors..like ung sa Hellplant ng gene na irereduce ang dmg and manhole na 3blocks away sa target..hmmm..wait post q po d2 ung nbasa q..almost d same pero my kulang po ee..wait..

Herbert said...

Ang rebalance ay hindi rumors. Maimplement yan as next episode ng pRO.
Not sure about sa Hellplant damage na marereduce.
Yung Manhole lam ko pede pa din icast sa tabi ng target pero bawal na i-manhole yung naka manhole na.

Anonymous said...

hihina ba ef?dko magets ee paexpalin :D

Herbert said...

Hindi sya hihina. Same damage output nagkaroon lang ng additional drawback. Bawal na gumamit ng SP pots after mo mag EF for 10secs. yung duration d ko maconfirm kung yan ang exact time.

Unknown said...

ask ko lng po if magkakameron po ba ng libreng stat reset para sa lahat kahit di na 1st time! ^^

Herbert said...

after ng rebalancing patch ba yung tinatanong mo? I'm not sure. wala pong announcement tungkol dyan.

Unknown said...

ah! k po salamat1

guest23 said...

liliit daw po ung hp ng Rune Knight? balak ko pa nmn gumawa ng DB type na rune knight. hihina po ba ang RK sa patch na yan?

Herbert said...

Matagal na pong implemented yung reduced HP ng RK.
Kung ang tanong mo ay hihina ang mga DB rune knight.
Hindi po. same lang sya before and after rebalance patch.

Naguguluhan said...

sir regarding sa RG, mas ok na ba ang shield reflect lvl10 over damage reflect lvl5 sa rebalancing?

Herbert said...

Personally, yes mas ok ang shield reflect lvl10.
Masyado na kasing situational ang gamit ng Reflect Damage.
At may chance pa to activate.

Anonymous said...

sir tanung ko lang ung sa Crazy weeds my mag babago po ba? so papanget n po pla ang RG ngyun kasi liit n chance ng reflect.

sure n po ba na d mag babago ung HP ng rk so desame pdin damge mas ok pag nka TGK? ty po

Herbert said...

Alam ko no change sa crazy weed.
Yung HP decrease ng RK ay matagal nang naimplement sa pRO.
Syempre mas ok ang TGK regardless of max HP.

Anonymous said...

Bro hindi ata naisama ang Ranger sa post mo..;p

Anonymous said...

boss, ung Fixed Casting time ng Sorcerer skills, pinatagal? kasi NC sorce ko eh... ask ko lang
saka paki post nman den po ung sa RANGER

ty idol~~~

Herbert said...

same lang. ang binago lang e yung sa Diamond Dust at Earth Grave.
Wala po yung ranger kasi nauna na syang na implement sa kRO bago tong mga changes.
April 2011 ko pa to sinulat. T_T

toniosis said...

anong best stat build parang RG?!

Herbert said...

Depends po sa skill build. pag nag build ka kasi mauuna ang skill build bago ang stat build

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