Ragnarok Adventures

Friday, November 5, 2010

Endless Tower Random Party

Our server is currently on leveling hype because of Renewal. A lot of players reached the maximum 150/50 level but majority of the population is still at the average level. One of the emerging popular dungeon for leveling is the Endless Tower. It is an Instance Dungeon where in there are 100 floors with increasing difficulty. Every 5 floors the team will battle MVP monsters in order to move on. Because MVP monsters are not affected with experience penalty, the Endless Tower became a target for leveling. A lot of players in our server are now organizing parties to conquer the tower to gain experience and to get rare drops from MVPs.

Waiting for the whole party to arrive at Misty Island

I'm about to finish my Daily Quest for my Archbishop when I accidentally saw someone looking for an Archbishop for their Endless Tower adventure. At that time I badly need job experience to unlock the Sacrament skill so I decided to join. I found out that the team had organized 10 members already and we are lacking two more members to have a full party. We waited for minutes and finally we got a full party. The team is composed of 2 Archbishops, 2 Shura, 2 Royal Guards, 3 Genetics, 1 Assassin Cross, 1 Warlocks and 1 Sorcerrer.

A full party for an Endless Tower adventure

When everybody was ready, we entered the dungeon full of energy. The lower floors were just a piece of cake for every one. I didn't even use much heal skill because my party mates are able to manage their aggression. They also have their own supply to rely on and I also have mine. The first MVP which is Golden Thief Bug is easy. A few throws of Acid Bomb and he's dead.

Our first MVP encounter at Endless Tower - Golden Thief Bug's Room

Skipping a little on the lower floors, let's jump a into the room of Phreeoni and Maya. The dual MVPs has a visible impact on our party. The wide stone curse of Phreeoni literally slowed the team from advancing. After the stone curse our team gained the advantage and defeated both MVPs.

Phreeoni unleashes his Wide Stone Curse and stopped the team from moving

Our next significant MVP encounter is White Lady. She is more durable now than pre-renewal. Her sanctuary coupled with heal from her Evil Nymph mobs replenished her health rapidly. A simultaneous high damage attack is our arsenal for this floor.

Endless healing of White Lady made our battle longer.

Next stop is the room of Amon Ra and Pharoah. Amon Ra is still durable just like pre-renewal because of his high health points. I didn't notice Pharoah at it. As if he vanished just like a normal mob.

Battling Amon Ra taking advantage of our range

I consider our battle with Dark Snake Lord as one of our hardest battles. The ghost type property coupled with Dragon Fear Status devastates our team. Our tank can withstand the damages from the MVP until the duration of Steel Body. However our team lacks a powerful member that could dish out ghost type monsters. Our damages relied on the Chain Lightning of the Warlock and Aspersio'd attacks from the Assassin Cross.

Hard fought battle with Dark Snake Lord

The brute force Atroce is still the same this renewal. However because of the third jobs his difficulty drops to easy in terms of battling. We did not have a hard time killing him with three genetics throwing Acid Bombs on him.

The brute force of Atroce is not devastating anymore

The dual room of Orc Hero and Orc Lord became easy also. Our genetics are fast enough to throw Acid Bombs on them before they wreck havoc on our team. The fearsome earthquake of Orc Lord is bearable now. The additional HP bonus for 3rd class and the nerf on Power Up Earthquake makes Orc Lord survivable.

Orc Lord unleashing his Earthquake

One of our major battles on the tower is with Ifrit. This will my first time to battle Ifrit head on without using the magic. I can say that it's very hard! His attacks can be tanked by our Shura in Steel Body. However his Meteor Storm and Earthquake kills the rest of the team. Added to the difficulty of the battle is his Wide Stun, Wide Silence and Wide Chaos. Even if I attained high VIT, I'm still inflicted with stun and silence. The status infliction changes surely made boss hunting difficult. The Wide Chaos does rumbled the formation of the team and literally creates chaos on the team.

Chaotic Ifrit battle using hit and run technique

The battle with Valkyrie Rangis is also one of our major battles. During that time most of the members have been out of the tower but the key job classes are still intact. Valkyrie Rangis has very high damage added with high magic attacks which literally torn our party apart. Our Shura in Steel Body can tank the MVP however the Dispell of Rangis removes the status and kills our tank. Just like our Ifrit battle we did a hit and run strategy. We had a long and hard fought battle with her.

Speeding Up the hit and run strategy with Lex Aeterna on Valkyrie Rangis

After the battle, our team decided not to continue the battle anymore because we are out of supply and out of members. At the base of the tower some of the members demanded for shares. I am not expecting any share because I'm assuming the loots are free for all. But we are lucky enough that one of the party members shared zeny to us in exchange to the rares he loot.

Our party waiting for their share

I had a good time at Endless Tower. I gained much needed job experience, earned zeny and looted few items. I'm also happy that most players on our server are open to party leveling with other people other than their friends. Cheers!


Anonymous said...

how many token do i need in ET?

Herbert said...

Token of Siegfried? As many as possible. It's better to have an extra than to regret you don't have one. It really depends on the death rate of your party. Everytime I join ET parties I have around 50pcs opened and there are also reserved boxes.

Anonymous said...

Kuya herbert, Im planning to try ET but im still figuring out what are the necessary items, supplies to bring. Can you help me out? What do i need? What should i do to get ready? Any tips, suggestions, guide before entering ET?

Herbert said...

I think I have provided the important items in my previous ET write ups.
But to spare you from reading all my adventures I can give you some.

For equipments, Hodremlin Carded shield or platinum shield is a must. If you are a tank you can switch to Alice Carded shield for boss rooms. Other gears will be class specific.

For items, bring at green pots, HP pots, SP pots, Token, Insu, AFM, Job Manual. Foods is optional. Bring a priest class on your team so that you can be save a lot of these consumables.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, About the token, is there any other way to get it besides buying it at the Hypermart? And can you give some specific HP/SP pots that players usually use at ET? And about insu, how do you use them? Is it like you just click them and you will not lose exp within its 30 mins duration?

Sorry for asking you alot of questions. I just got back playing RO since 2004 or 2005.

Herbert said...

No worries mate I'll try to answer all your questions.

Unfortunately tokens are account bound so there is no way to get it through zeny. If you don't like spending for it then you must bring a Priests with resurrection or a Minstrel with At dead heal or use Ygg Leaf/Holy Egg for resurrection.

For HP pots you can use mastela or white potion but I prefer mastela because it has lesser weight and heals a lot. you can use white potion and RWC cap combo if you choose white potion. For SP pots you can use blue potion which can be easily obtain from doing the Alberta quests. White chocolate is an alternative too.

For Insu just click it. as long as you have the icon and you die you won't lose any experience. however once you die the icon will disapper and indicates that you have used the item. If you don't like to waste insu just click the item when you are about to die. But it is advisable to click it immediately during MVP fights because some MVPs will one hit kill you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot, maybe ill get more levels first before trying ET. And i hope i can party with you too. Btw if you're free and planning to have some more adventures at ET or anywhere else. Ill gladly join you if you invited me. My character is a Royal Guard. You can pm me in game,

Viel Demyx

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