Ragnarok Adventures

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Premium Hypermart

Premium Hypermart is a variation of hypermart exclusive to Premium users. In order to enter this hypermart you need to avail the Premium Service. Premium service is available to both F2P and P2P servers.

Inside the premium hypermart

The premium hypermart can be accessed through an NPC called Odin's Cash Manager. She is a lady wearing a kimono and doing a bowing animation. She is located on almost all of the towns around midgard. She is usually located beside the nearest kafra from the town spawn point.

Odin's Cash Manager of Alberta

Talk to the NPC and she will bring you to a small room with two NPC vendors. They are Mang Tipid and Mang Sulit which offers 5% discount to any item that are also being sold at the armory of the gods. As observed if an item is on-sale at the armory of the gods during that period and is available on the premium hypermart it’s price is further reduced by 5%. For example Token of Zeigfried's original prize is 200 ROK. Then this week we have a sale and the prize went down to 100 ROK at the armory of the gods. If the Token of Zeigfried is also sold at the Premium Hypermart it is further reduced to 95 ROK. Returning items, Exclusive headgears and promo items are also being sold in this hypermart. The items sold are changed depending on the decision of pRO GMs.

Mang Tipid and Mang Sulit selling hypermart items

After shopping you may now exit the area. Talk to Exit Guidee and he'll warp you to Prontera regardless of where you came from.

Getting out of the premium hypermart

Added Features:
  • Aside from Mang Tipid and Mang Sulit, pRO further improves the premium hypermart by adding more NPCs that will cater adventurers who availed the premium service.
  • Neo Enchanter is an event NPC which lasts for a certain duration.
  • As of November 27, 2013 patchnotes, Premium Hypermart has been overhauled. Mang Tipid and Mang Sulit has been replaced by Lisana and Levy. Scarlet and Blacksmith Dister has been relocated inside this hypermart. Stylist containing the 2nd alternate palette has been placed here too.
  • As of January 15, 2014 patchnotes, Hair Stylist has been added to handle the new premium hairstyles. 2 are for male and 2 are for female.

Neo Enchanter
Originally located in Prontera City, the Neo Enchanter was transferred to the premium hypermart. She is responsible in enchanting Neo Armors for a specific period. You may read more on Neo Armors Enchantment.
 photo NeoEnchanter_zps1fbdfda0.jpg

He is one of the RWC 2012 NPCs that were added as part of the celebration for the Ragnarok World Championship 2012. He is responsible in enchanting RWC memorial accessory namely RWC memorial ring and RWC memorial pendant.

He is one of the RWC 2012 NPCs that were added as part of the celebration for the Ragnarok World Championship 2012. He is responsible in giving slot to the RWC memorial accessory namely RWC memorial ring and RWC memorial pendant.

Blacksmith Dister
He is providing upgrading service using Blessed Oridicon and Blessed Elunium.He was relocated from Prontera Upgrading building. Using the said ores will not break the equipment you are upgrading whenever it fails. Only equipments with upgrade from +7 to +12 is being accepted to be upgraded.

She replaces the role of Pixie Fairy which sells Wing Themed equipments. She was relocated from Port Malaya.The most notable item being sold is the Archangel Wing because of its cost and its sprite can be seen on your character. Bravery Bag is also being sold here.

Lisana and Levy
They replace the role of Mang Tipid and Mang Sulit. They sell exclusive items and sometimes provide discounted prizes to items that are sold on mini hypermart.

He provides the change of clothing for your characters. Available palettes are the original, 1st alternate and 2nd alternate. You need to purchase Clothing Dye Box for the alternate clothes and you need to purchase the Clothing Dye Orig Box for the original clothes in order to avail his service. More info can be read on my Dye Clothing post.

Hair Stylist
He provides the service to change your hairstyle. Both male and female styles are available. Released styles can be further viewed on my Change Hairstyle - Hypermart Version post

Enjoy shopping ~


Lawfer said...

sana lang ibalik nila ung mga dating hypermart npc's specially the card npc's :/

Anonymous said...

Ano pong mga binebenta ni lisana levy? Tyia

Herbert said...

Nagbabago po kasi sya from time to time so hindi ko sinasama sa list yung mga exact na binebenta nya. pwede nyo pong icheck in-game yung current na binebenta nya.

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