Ragnarok Adventures

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Ports of Malaya - Philippine Themed Map

Our country Philippines, finally had its own Ragnarok Online themed map. It is called Ports of Malaya. Malaya in Filipino language means 'Free' as in Freedom. So if you join the names together it means Port of a free country. Well thats my personal interpretation of the latest kRO patch. Ports of Malaya is a well made patch composting of new maps to explore, wide range of Philippine mythical monsters to kill, quests to perform and it even has instance dungeons. I can't believe that Gravity is making a Global Project Map this grand. Lucky for pRO players that Gravity put an effort to construct our country's map.

The maps included in this patch is inspired from the Philippine culture and structures. Some of the Philippine trade marks that I saw on the maps are Jeepneys and Rizal Park. Okay so I only saw those two but maybe there are a lot more Pinoy inspired details out there that I missed. Look for them for yourselves.

All of the monsters on this new maps came from the rich Philippine myth. I don't need to elaborate on each of the monsters because their image directly depicts their image on our myth. But at some point some of their gestures were changed a bit to fit the Ragnarok World. For instance, the Manananggal on our myth is a woman who cuts herself in half leaving her lower body on a secured are while her upper body flies to look for prey. In-game it is carrying a giant injection which is something off from the myth but then again it is created to fit the Ragnarok World. Enjoy the images of these monsters and prepare to face them when they are implemented in your own servers. I heard that their difficulty fits the level of third jobs.

Tiyanak ~ Mangkukulam ~ Tikbalang

Buwaya ~ Engkanto ~ Bungisngis

Bangungot ~ Wakwak ~ Manananggal

Recently kRO released the image of the MVP monster for Ports of Malaya. It is called Bakunawa. Bakunawa is a giant sea serpent from our myth which swallows the moon and causes eclipse. It has a large image similar to Satan Morroc but in terms of power I have no idea how strong will this MVP would be. Maybe the size of this MVP is telling us how much power it has especially when you encounter it face to face.


I'm not sure if pRO will go ahead in implementing this map after kRO before any other official servers just like what they did with other Global Project Map like Moscovia, Brasilis and Dewata. We'll be looking forward for this epic patch.

I would like to qoute the sites where I got these info
Translated September 7, 2011 kRO patchnotes at iRO
Translated September 28, 2011 kRO patchnotes at iRO

I would also like to acknowledge
Rytech from iROwiki for the Bakonawa picture
wikipedia for the Bakonawa info


Sky said...

herbert is it true Port malaya has the monster Jejering/Jejeling/제제링(hoping you have unicode)

Herbert said...

I'm not sure and I don't have any kRO account to confirm. But I know there is a monster called jejeling which is created together with the port of malaya patch. its sprite is a poring with a jejecap.

Semidoppel said...

I can't wait for this patch/episode... Nice monsters, I can relate!

Luckymouse said...

Wow! Finally the first Philippine Theme map of Ragnarok Online!

Anonymous said...

@Sky - True, there is. I have a kRO account but I can't go nowhere near port malaya since my character is still low level. >.<

Anonymous said...

Sir Herbert... I have made a character sprite which is for Conjurers or Summoners... do you have any advanced idea or detail if they have a plan of putting a pRO sprite?

KinG LenDion IV of Vehemence™ Valkyrie...

Herbert said...

I'm a bit confused on your question. Are you asking if there is a plan on creating a job class called Conjurers or Summoners? No there isn't. I'm a mere player like you so I have no idea on pRO's future plans aside from what they are feeding us.

The only rumor that got at the moment is the so called 3rd class of Gunslingers which is called Cowboy. And possible new clasess branching from swordsman, thief etc on a patch called "Rise of the Helters". Though all of these are mere rumors until they are released officially. Other than that I have no more info on future job classes.

Anonymous said...

what i mean about my post is if they have a plan of putting our very own PRO sprite.. for ex. NinjaClass = JRo, TaekwonClass = S.Korea, Phils. = ???... anyways i hope you have an access or lets say "kakilala" from kRO or iRO... coz i want to send an entry or a proposal of a sprite. Here's what i made: http://gickr.com/results3/anim_b3945e99-6c08-a5b4-6514-b1b398300c55.gif ... I even have the skills which is kept with me for a moment... any suggestion for this one? thnx Sir Herbert.. More power to you... KinG LenDion IV of Vehemence™

Herbert said...

Sorry but I don't have any connections or network on kRO, iRO and even pRO. I'm just a regular player you see.

As I have mentioned earlier kRO has no plans of creating an expanded job class for Philippines. Gravity decides for everything being released. I can see you have good intentions of creating a Pinoy theme job class but as I have mention Gravity decides on Ragnaroks future developments. Maybe you can try discussing these to our pRO GMs. The pRO GMs are responsible on requesting for Ports of Malaya patch. Lets see how it goes. Best of luck to you. =)

Anonymous said...

thx sir herbert... atleast the feeling of being ignored washes out... ahehehe... and by the way... would it be ok if i'll put this site to our Guild page in FB?... coz it seems your page is more reliable compared to others* more power and thnx for the reply... ^_^

KinG LenDion IV of Vehemence™ Valkyrie Server...

Herbert said...

Sure no problem on putting my site to your guild page. Just link me back. =D

mlmf2008 said...

They forgot the KAPRE!

Anonymous said...

wala bang bagong server? kse ang panget na ng mga server ngayon e. lalo na new loki. wala na kwenta. any idea kung meron bang darating na bagong server sir herbert? XD

Herbert said...

Hindi ko alam ang plano ng mga GMs kung may new server. So far wala pa silang sinasabi kung magkakaroon ng bago.

Anonymous said...

tnx for the reply sir. sira na kase economy sa new loki sir e nakakatamad na. XD tnx ulit.

Herbert said...

ienjoy mo na lang yung laro na hindi prinoproblema ang economy. =D

Anonymous said...

oh i have the link for the moving sprite of bakonawa: http://forums.irowiki.org/showthread.php?s=f76c6003f1efabf218781d8bcb748be7&t=85378&page=3

Anonymous said...

lol! jejering hahahahah! tama2! magandang pangalan..

Anonymous said...

ftw?! meron nga plang jejelings! i thought u were just joking.. hahah kakatawa ung jejelings..

Anonymous said...


if you'll just stroll though these pictures, u'll see some chinese or oriental sliding doors, w/c is not native in the philippines.

Herbert said...

Thanks for giving additional info.
Changed the Bakonawa picture into a moving one. =)

killbduz1322 said...

Sir Herbert,
as stated above it was made by gravity as global project map.. so is it mean beside Philippines. The Other country with Ragnarok online had made also their own Country Mythical Map?
If that so, what about the Items.. is it possible to use on the RWC Competition? i mean items from Port Of Malaya Patch and their own Customized other country mythical map.

Herbert said...

Global project map like port of malaya is not exclusive map for Philippines. The patch will also be available to other official servers so they will also have access to these items. Other countries had their own map too and they are now in our servers like Dewata for Indonesia, Brasilis for Brazil and others.

As for the items of RWC, every year Gravity makes a short list of items that can be used during competition. Yes it is possible to use it in competition as long as it makes it to the list of Gravity.

killbduz1322 said...

Very well said Sir Herbert, Thanks any way.

For that were expecting lot more exciting map to explore. Indonesia, Brazil, and here it come Port Malaya for Philippines.

Soon Thailand, US of America and so on.

Anonymous said...

@killbduz1322, I think they already have Ayothaya for Thailand. :D

Nice post. I'm really looking forward for this patch.

Anonymous said...

may napanood nga po akong vid sa youtube na poring na naka jejecap

eto po yung link...


at kung ok lang po follow po kayo sa blog ko sa


may update po ako tungkol dyan bukas

Anonymous said...

sir.. i patched my sakray last wednesday.. then i got the error GetNpcLocationRadius.. i can't play any servers.. do you have a solution for this?

Herbert said...

Sorry I don't have a solution. There is a thread on the boards telling us not to patch sakray to prevent errors. maybe there is an existing problem in sakray.

Elmer Domingo said...

The Philippine launch of Port Malaya will be next week, May 9. I can't wait!

Cadbury, Fear Us
Valhalla Server

Anonymous said...

how can you get to port malay?

Herbert said...

You can get there via Alberta.
For more details you may read on my post regarding global project maps and how to get there.

Anonymous said...

@Herbert and anyone: idol / guys, anyone know panu maaus grav/sprite error kay bakonawa ? ung easy step sna if ever. tyan plang nkkta ko, laglag na lol.. TIA :)

Herbert said...

No idea po. sorry.

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