Ragnarok Adventures

Friday, November 25, 2011

Boss Card Reunion - High End Version

Before the end of October, pRO made another drastic move to sell high end MVP cards at the hypermart. The cards were sold for 3 days from October 29, 2011 to October 31, 2011. The developers approve its release so they're saying that its OK to sell them. Unlike the previous Boss Card Reunion where they released MVP cards for pRO's 8th anniversary, the selling of MVP cards this time doesn't have any reason at all.


The reunion includes Boss Cards and a mini Boss card that somehow made its appearance for a short period. These cards has a huge impact to the overall game play so having these cards will definitely provide an advantage. At post-renewal, their importance didn't change or has widen because of the new mechanics. In fact most of the cards on this promo has extended their coverage because of the release of third jobs. These cards are hard to replace even with high end gears so buying one is a good deal. But then again the price will definitely let you think twice.

Please refer to the list of cards below and their corresponding prizes in ROK points. Bear in mind that the conversion is 1 Php = 20 ROK points.


The following boss cards were sold on Special Hypermart for 3 days.

Mistress Card
Description: Enables casting of certain spells without Gemstones. SP consumption of skills increases by 25%.
Compound on: Headgear
Additional Info: Can also affect 3rd job skills which uses gemstones
Comments: The card is very useful to classes with skills that consumes gemstones like High Priests, Warlocks and Sorcerers. However Sorcerers can fully utilize the card because their commonly used skills requires different kinds of gemstones. Replacing all your gems with these card will let you carry more items. No more gems means more capacity for other items like potions. The increase SP consumption drawback doesn't really hurt because of the abundant source of SP potions in-game. On the other hand Sorcerers can freely convert their HP into SP through the skill Indulge/Life Conversion. Wearing a Pharaoh Card can somehow negate the drawback of this card.


Tao Gunka Card
Description: Increase HP by 100%. MDEF -50
Compound on: Armor
Additional Info: There is a patch that will change MDEF -50 to MDEF -50%
Comments: The ultimate card for increasing Maximum HP. All job classes will find this card useful because increasing the Maximum HP means higher survival rate. It also significantly increases the chance to survive one hit kill moves. Classes with skills that utilizes Max HP or Remaining HP to increase damage will find this a must have item such as Rune Knights, Royal Guards and Sura. Double the max HP means double the damage and proves to be a powerful card. The reduced MDEF drawback is somewhat negligible because the increased HP will be enough for your survival. It is best to compound it with over upgraded Valkyrie Armor or Fire Armor [1].


Ghostring Card
Description: Enchant Armor with Ghost Property. Reduces HP Recovery by 25%
Compound on: Armor
Additional Info: During Pre-renewal, Ghost Property armor receives incoming damage neutral element damage to 25% which is equivalent to 75% neutral resistance. Post renewal it was changed to 70% which is equivalent to 30% neutral resistance.
Comments: The card is useful in all aspect whether it is for GVG, PVM and PVP. In dealing with monsters, the card is useful to hold large mobs or tanking MVPs. It can also reduce the normal damage of monsters and MVPs. In dealing with players, defaulting this as an armor is not a good choice. Eventhough the most damaging skills were neutral attacks you will still be owned by non-neutral attacks. Elemental skills and damages which changes property through converters will surely bypass the effect of this card.


Dark Lord Card
Description: Add the chance of auto casting level 5 Meteor Storm skill on an enemy when user receives Physical Damage. If user the user is equipped with an item compounded to the Dark Illusion card, it adds Max HP and Max SP + 20%.
Compound on: Shoes
Additional Info: Combo card with Dark Illusion
Comments: The card by itself is not that good because it only procs Meteor Storm when receiving damage. Meteor Storm post renewal is not as good as before. For sieges, most players will default fire armor to counter Dragon Breath thus indirectly reducing the not so good damage of the Meteor Storm. The introduction of Fixed Cast time made a huge impact to this skill making it one of the not so used Warlock skills. Maybe in PVM it has its uses like doing AFK leveling while letting the rain of meteors comes down from the sky. The greatest secret of the card lies on its combo with Dark Illusion. The combo provides Reduced cast time, Increase HP and SP and autocasts Meteor Storm.


Ktullanux Card
Description: Increases damage to Fire monsters by 50% and adds a chance of auto casting Lv. 10 Frost Nova when the wearer receives physical or magic damage.
Compound on: Armor
Additional Info: Increase in damage only applies to physical attacks
Comments: Anything that increases damage is ok so this card has its own uses. Unfortunately there are a few fire monsters available and only Ifrit is an MVP worth killing  while using this card at the moment. The secondary effect of auto casting Forst Nova lvl10 is not that great either in terms of damage. Maybe it can be a substitute armor to Garm card but I doubt if someone will purchase the card because of it's secondary effect alone.


If you have additional info that you are willing to share just leave a comment.

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Anonymous said...

correct ko lang..

Ghostring Card

Reduce neutral damage to 25% or 75% neutral resistance

Reduce neutral damage to 70% or 30% neutral resistance

Anonymous said...

the selling of mvp cards doesn't have a reason? Of course there is. Its about monay, monay, monay este money, money, money.

Herbert said...

Thanks for pointing out the Ghostring Card. I checked the prerenewal and renewal values and you are right. Changing the values on this post.

x12a said...

Good guide you have here Mr. Herbert.. It's starting to match the guide in iRO wiki... Please keep up the good work... There'll be plenty more generations of new RO players who could use you guides =)

Herbert said...

Thanks. My blog caters more to pRO players.
but some posts are specific to Valkyrie server because it's my home server.

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