Ragnarok Adventures

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Wolfchev's Laboratory - 3rd Attempt

Wolfchev is the scientists who performed human experimentation in Lighthalzen to be used as weapons for Schwarzvald republic. Because of the nature of his works, he performed his experiments deep in the Biolabs where he had his own testing room. Wolfchev's Laboratory will show the horror done to the test subjects and these humans turned into monsters retaliate.

The Cast:
The team is suppose to be a four man team but unfortunately one of our members cannot enter the dungeon. Apparently he thought that he had a quest on his Rune Knight but he was barred to enter so either he didn't finish the quest or he does not have the quest at all.

Our team composition is an all offensive team. We have an offensive Royal Guard as our tank, a Genetic and two Rune Knights. However as I was explaining earlier one of our Rune Knights didn't make it. We gambled the team even if we knew that it will be a hard battle for a three man party. I would also like to note that one of our member is a first timer on the dungeon.

  • Rich Kid Herbert a Genetic - MVP killer and Full coat support
  • Gajeel Redfox a Rune Knight - MVP killer and mob control
  • Ethereal Nairian a Royal Guard - MVP killer, tank and mob control
  • batsu a Rune Knight - didn't make it

The Adventure:
We organized another run for Wolfchev's laboratory because Rian is itching for an adventure. I called out some friends and only few showed up. We organized ourselves and proceed to the Biolabs. Our travel to the instance NPC is very slow and hard because of the heavy density of mobs. We spend around half an hour just to clear the mobs going to the NPC. It was a painful adventure because we shed some of our supplies and we haven't started the instance yet.

When we reached the NPC, I immediately triggered the instance dungeon. As the instance opened, we all jumped in except for batsu. He had a problem entering because it seems that he has not done the quest or he didn't finish the prerequisite quest. With all our effort clearing the mob just to reach the NPC, it is a must for us to push through with the adventure. So we just proceed without him.

We battled all the lab animals from one room to another to clear the rooms. We haven't have any problem on these rooms because they are very easy to kill.

MVP Room:
MVP Generated: Clown Alphochio
Upon entering the last room, we performed our class rituals and cautiously scout for the MVP. Just like our usual set up, our tank is leading the way while we are looking for the MVP to show up. Suddenly the MVP and his mobs flocked our mob.

Our problem is still on identifying the generated MVP. We tried our best to kill the mobs so that the MVP will be left behind. However this strategy seems not working because as soon as the mobs are almost wiped out, fresh mobs were being summoned.Gajeel carefully observed the flock of mobs and told us that the MVP is Clown Alphochio because he's the one summoning.

Now that we have our target, we concentrated on attacking him. We have a hard time on pinning the MVP because of the constant knock backs. Rian tried his best to give full damage on the MVP on every clash. We have a hard time on the Demonstration skill of the genetic mob because it has a high damage and can destroy our weapons. With active damage from our Royal Guard the MVP went down. We haven't noticed that he's down until we observed that the loots are on the ground and his mobs are gone. Congratulations to us! We were able to finish the quest even with a three man team.

Gajeel explored the laboratory after the battle because this is his first time on the dungeon. He was amazed on the monsters inside the tubes which represents the experimented humans. Rian noticed that one of the test tubes has a missing monster. And we figured out that the missing monster is MVP Alphochio.

We therefore conclude that when we are doing the instance, the generated MVP is the human specimen that was able to get out of the test tube!

We are very lucky in our generated MVP monster because from our 3 man team we were able to finish this dungeon with ease. As I have observed there are no party wiping skills that was unleashed by the MVP. Our only concern is the Demonstration skill of the Genetic mob and the constant knock back. The lack of Acolyte buff is not that crucial in our run because we can manage with using only our self buffs. I guess our gamble as a team gave us a lucky and worthwhile MVP to battle.

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