Ragnarok Adventures

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Player Feedback


It's been a while since I wrote a player feedback. And this is my first for this year. Before I'm writing this post to give you updates and plans for the site because I don't have any idea on your reactions. But I think this post is no longer necessary because most of the time I'm getting first hand feedbacks via my facebook fan page. If you haven't liked my page here is the link.

I'm thanking everyone visiting the page because it shows your support to my effort to provide you with guides, infos and adventures. I'm also happy on my blog stats because it shows that you are visiting my site mostly for guides and new episodes. I do hope that you'll also find my adventure posts worth reading. You may pick up some good party set-up on my adventures though not all runs that I post are successful.

As usual, I'm still a casual pRO Valkyrie adventurer and I don't spend too much time in-game. When I'm playing Ragnarok Online either I'm doing an adventure or participating in the War of Emperium. I'm not into market and PK maps so I don't spend long hours in the game. But when I do play the game I interact with friends and with some fans.

Read after the break all the compiled feedback that I got from fans. Maybe you can see your name there. This is my small way of showing you that I do read your feedbacks. Also you can always approach me on my facebook account, facebook fanpage and on this site. I always accomodate everyone as much as I can. I do hope you won't get mad or get disappointed when I can't give timely reply but I always see to it that I respond to you.

I don't have any wild plans for the site aside from continuing my regular posts. I have few War of Emperium posts now because I feel that it is more exciting participating on the WOE itself than reading it on the blog. But you can tell me if you want one though it will focus more on our guild since I can't represent the opinions of the opposing guilds. I also stand on not posting any class guides because I'm not an expert on each class and every patch tends to obsolete strategies and equipments. It will be hard to create a guide then you have to change it again after a patch. I also don't post leveling guides aside from leeching because I'm lazy on leveling up. Lastly I don't create market related post aside from hypermart because the prices of items vary from one server to another. However continue to expect a lot of Instance Dungeon posts because I really do love these end-game feature together with War of Emperium. I'll also continue on providing the latest kRO episodes as long as I have my sources intact and create helpful guides to newbies.

Below are some of the fans reaching out to me in-game. Hope you can see your name there if we meet in-game.

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