Wednesday, September 8, 2010

First Week of September 2010 Adventures

Nothing much has been done in-game because I reduced my time for Ragnarok Online this days. But still I use some of my free to unwind and relax by playing Ragnarok. This week there were no special adventures that I have done so I'll just relay some of the highlights of my adventures on this compilation. Read the journal after the jump.

September 4, 2010

It's Siege day for WoE 1 and I decided to participate. I have been disregarding a lot of sieges for the past few weeks because of priority issues. Armor of God is my siege guild during Saturdays but because it is hibernating at the moment I joined rhswrdzrnyvhgzxckljmcxv guild.


During the duration of the siege we have been scouting and conquering various guilds. Honestly, i didn't enjoy much of the siege because of lack of action. Even if we initiate the attack there were no solid defense to break through. Maybe because the RPC season has ended some of the guilds had lie low a bit so the solid action is rarely seen now a days. I'm hopeful for an intense battles when the Renewal patch comes.

September 6, 2010

PVP Izlude no limit became a little popular because of the Mage Hunter Quest. I didn't expect that even in the wee hours in the morning there will be a lot of tambays inside the room. Most of the players were passive but there are times that some of them will turn into an aggressive one. Usually staying in the grass area means that you have no intention of being aggressive so that's my favorite spot whenever I entered the room. I haven't visited the PK maps for a long time now so I'm wondering if they shifted their attention from the PK maps to the PVP room.


I didn't go to the pvp room by accident but to perform the Mage Hunter Quest. During those times I noticed that the tambays increase its number which is unusual for a PK enabled server. But I'm happy to interact with other players inside the room.

September 7, 2010

This is the day where we will be hunting Shadow of Nidhoggur again. We are suppose to be performing the quest last September 6 but because of priority issues again we postponed the adventure. We have been performing the quest for about a month already if I'm not mistaken. We have been doing this for a lot of times so we already memorized the things to do inside the dungeon.


Guess it's our lucky night again. We have looted another Piece of Angent Skin [1] to be added in our inventory. Angel and I were very happy because our effort of hunting paid off. I only hope to have more lucky days to come.

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