Ragnarok Adventures

Sunday, January 15, 2012

2011 Year End Boss Card Reunion

Before the year ends in 2011, pRO made the grandest reunion of all Boss Cards. The promo lasted for 2 days from December 30 to December 31, 2011. Everyone is on holiday rush so the promo is very attractive to most players.

The cards sold at the Special Hypermart were all previous released Boss Cards this year. Listed below are the cards sold in the hypermart. As a bonus +9 Weapon Refine Deed is also sold at the hypermart together with the boss cards.

Please refer to the list of cards below and their corresponding prizes in ROK points. Bear in mind that the conversion is 1 Php = 20 ROK points.


For info on these cards please refer to my previous posts below. I have written a thorough explanation of their uses and its up to you to judge if it's worth buying or not.

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