Ragnarok Adventures

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

New Cards starting from Destruction of Morroc Patch

Card system is a classic feature of Ragnarok Online where it is still being updated every now and then. Cards are specifically dropped by the monster it represents. For example a Poring Card is exclusively being dropped by Poring monsters. But of course at present day there are other means of getting this cards aside from looting it from the monster itself. kRO had been generous in updating the card system to include various cards starting from Destruction of Morroc Patch.


The new cards from different episodes are featured below. The information below were implemented on kRO but may still be subjected to changes. Knowing their effects might give us proper planning with the current items that we have now especially our well kept overupgraded gears.

~ WOE SE Guild Dungeon Cards ~
Aunoe Card
Description: Critical Attack Damage + 20%.
Compound on: Weapon

Fanat Card
Description: ATK + 10. If compounded on a two hand sword, at +10 refine or higher grants ASPD +1, at +14 refine or higher grants an additional ASPD + 1.
Compound on: Weapon

Beholder Master Card
Description: Ranged Attack Damage + 3%. If compounded on a bow, at +10 refine or higher crants ASPD + 1, at +14 refine or higher grants an additional ASPD + 1.
Compound on: Weapon

Heavy Metaling Card
Description: STR + 2. If equipped by a merchant job, increases cart revolution damage by 50%, but increases its SP cost by 12.
Compound on: Footgear

Cobalt Mineral Card
Description: Increases magic damage on formless type monsters by 10%.
Compound on: Weapon

Hell Apocalypse Card
Description: Increases magic damage on demon type monsters by 10%.
Compound on: Weapon

Zakudam Card
Description: Increases magic damage on demihuman type monsters by 10%.
Compound on: Weapon

~ Splendid Cards ~
Tendrilrion Card
Description: CRIT + 5. If the weapon is refined to +12 or higher, CRIT + 10, ATK + 35.
Compound on: Weapon

Draco Egg Card
Description: Increases magic damage on dragon type monsters by 10%.
Compound on: Weapon

Duneyrr Card
Description: When dealing physical damage, there's a chance that for 4 seconds your perfect dodge will increase by 10.
Compound on: Headgear

Naga Card
Description: Increases magic damage against fish type monsters by 10%.
Compound on: Weapon

Phylla Card
Description: Dex + 1, Agi + 1. When dealing physical damage, there's a chance that for 4 seconds you will recieve CRIT + 20.
Compound on: Headgear

Pinguicula Card
Description: Increases magic damage on insect type monsters by 10%.
Compound on: Weapon

Dark Pinguicula Card
Description: ATK + 10. When killing a monster, adds a chance to have a poisonous herb drop.
Compound on: Headgear

Rata Card
Description: When dealing magic damage, there's a chance that for 4 seconds your fixed cast time will be reduced by 50%.
Compound on: Headgear

Rhyncho Card
Description: Heal Skill Recovery + 3%. Increases SP cost of skills by 5%.
Compound on: Headgear

Ancient Tree Card
Description: Increases magic damage on undead type monsters by 10%.
Compound on: Weapon

~ Manuk Cards ~
Bradium Golem Card
Description: Increases magic damage on brute type monsters by 10%.
Compound on: Weapon

Nepenthes Card
Description: Increases magic damage on plant type monsters by 10%.
Compound on: Weapon

Hardrock Mammoth Card
Description: DEF + 5. If the armor is refined to +12 or higher, DEF + 20, MaxHP + 12%.
Compound on: Armor

~ Instance Dungeon Monster Cards ~
Naght Seiger Card
Description: Increases damage of all ghost element magic attacks by 30%.
Compound on: Armor

Shadow of Nydhog Card
Description: INT +5. When equipped by a High Wizard or Warlock Jobs, fixed cast of all skills -50%.
Compound on: Armor

July 21, 2010 kRO translated patchnotes in iRO wiki


Anonymous said...

Wew Imba ang Nydhorg Card >.< lalakas nnman mga warlock pero astig yung Rata Card :D

Anonymous said...

ask ko lang po kung anu yung ibig sabihin nung bilog na may number sa upper right mos corner nung card? thx ng madameng madame

Herbert said...

ayun sa LU forums. yung kulay is yung element ng monster then yung number is yung level ng element.
Sample: Earth 4

Anonymous said...

nice very informative ^_^

Anonymous said...

sir existing na ba sa ragnarok ph yung phylla card? or kung ano man sa mga items na ito? thanks

Herbert said...

Hindi pa existing yan sa pRO.
Future patch pa yan kaso hindi ko sure kung saan sya isasama.

Mark Lester Tagala said...

Imba ng Zakudam Card !! Meron naba sa pRO yang Naght Seiger Card & Shadow of Nydhog Card Boss Herbert ?? :D

Herbert said...

Tingin ko wala pa since MVP cards yan. antay na lang natin na-irealease ng pRO as promos

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