Ragnarok Adventures

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Lotti Girl

Duration: November 16, 2011 - January 4, 2012 with on and off comebacks.
Currently a permanent feature of pRO giving away MVP Cards and Sealed MVP cards as top prizes

Lotti Girl is a gambling NPC that gained so much popularity because of the chance to own high end items. She has a predetermined list of items that can be won just like the lucky scrolls in the Hypermart. In my point of view, Lotti Girl is the ROK version of the previously released Donita and Ligaya. Her release is part of the Novemberific promo of pRO.

Push your luck with Lotti Girl

In order to start your wheel of fortune, visit the Valkyrie NPC Hypermart on the nearest town. Purchase a Midgard Premium Ticket which will be exchange later on with Lotti Girl. One Midgard Premium Ticket means one transaction with Lotti Girl.

Midgard Premium Ticket at Hypermart

The Midgard Premium Ticket is also available on the Mini Hypermart but on a bit higher price. The idea might be you are paying a bit for convenience that is why it has a higher price. Using a squeeze of common sense just purchase your Midgard Premium Ticket on the Valkyrie NPC Hypermart.

Midgard Premium Ticket at the Mini Hypermart

Locate Lotti Girl who is dancing near the center of Prontera. To be specific she is near the Tool Dealer building near the Prontra Fountain.

Lotti Girl at prontera

Before anything else make sure that you have a Midgard Premium Ticket to be exchange with Lotti Girl. Also make spare slots in your inventory for the prizes to be awarded. The prizes will disappear if you are overweight with items.

Ready to receive the prizes

Start gambling by talking to Lotti Girl and hand over the ticket. The prizes will be awarded immediately to your character after the exchange. If you receive one of the top prizes there will be a global announcement of the prize you get.

Global message display from Lotti Girl

Atention citizens of Midgard! [Player Name] just received [Rare Item] from Lotti Gurl(prontera 141 226)!

Player Name - character who received the rare item into his inventory
Rare Item - any of the predefined list of items created by the GMs
- can be a card, an equipment, KVM points and others
- do note that only hard to get items are being broadcast


Lotti girl is a very effective promo during the Christmas season. The only thing I don't like with the promo is the global message where in it literally floods our message boxes no matter what filter you create. In the case of our server, there are a lot of players gamble with lotti girl every day so every now and then our message boxes are full of global messages. I do hope that instead of making it a global message they will make it into a "shout" like message so that we can have an option not to receive them. There are people just like me who are not interested in watching players get rare items from lotti girl.


Anonymous said...

ma pasa ba yung ticket sa ibang account?

Herbert said...

Ang alam ko account bound ang ticket kay Lotti Girl

Anonymous said...

ahh ok thanks

Anonymous said...

Tol herbert..ask lang po sana ako ng build guide for my mastersmith going to>>master-mechanic type..hehe..first character ko kasi..ayaw kong masayang..i want it ung hard-hitting na charcter both for PvP and woE, and at the same time good enuf for Boss Hunt^_^..hehe ..send nyo lang po sa e.mail ko: l.jdeiparine@yahoo.com/iohannes_climacus@yahoo.com..or sa FB ko po @ Iohannes Climacus

^_^thanks po sa mga blogs/sites! i've been following them for a couple of months na po..hehe great help!hehehe

Herbert said...

Hi Iohannes, hindi ako expert sa mech. ang alam ko na lang na common build ay Suicide, Arms Cannon, Cold Shower, Neutral Barrier and Magnetic Field. Sa stats naman high VIT, STR, INT med DEX LUK low AGI. Tingin ko mas matutulungan ka ng mga veterans sa forums natin sa mga ganitong bagay. =)

Anonymous said...

thanks idol^_^ i'l go check d page now..hehehe

Anonymous said...

sure po ba yung KVM points? ilan pts po?

Herbert said...

Yep sure yung KVM check mo na lang sa BG kung ilan ang dagdag. no idea kasi ako.

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