Ragnarok Adventures

Monday, November 22, 2010

Midgard Crowd Control Quest - Glast Heim

Note: The quest has been implemented from March 17, 2010 to March 31, 2010

Philippine Ragnarok Online has shown us a very brilliant quest named Midgard Crowd Control Quest. Basically the quest requires us to kill a certain number of monsters in exchange with a Badge. Then badges will be collected in exchange to a Siege Headgear. The event literally flooded the Glast Heim Prison Dungeon with people earning their own badges. For the complete announcement of the event kindly visit the Ragnaboards site.

Quest Proper:
To start the quest, locate [Quest] Elite Mercenary at various locations around Midgard. If you listen to his story he will tell you that they need mercenaries that could help them reduce the number of monsters infesting the land. The worst place that has been infested was the Glast Heim Prison.

Once you agreed on helping, he’ll tell you that you’ll be rewarded with Mercenary Badge for every set of monsters that you defeat. He’ll then warp you to the Glast Heim Prison to start your duty as a mercenary.

Talk to the [Quest] Mercenary Scout so that she will immediately brief you about the situation. She will send you off to kill Zombie Prisoners. For every 150 Zombie Prisoners killed she will reward you with a Mercenary badge and an Yggdrasil Berry.

The technique for this quest is not to solo and kill everything on sight but to find a reliable party. The kill count for this quest is shared among the members of the party as long as they are within the range of shared kill so support characters don’t need to worry on how they can acquire the kill counts. The people participating the quest doesn’t also discriminate job class or level as long as you have the ability to kill or support. The current number of kill counts could be viewed at the Quest window. To view the quest window press Alt + U then locate the item named Midgard Crowd Control event. Click it and you’ll see your current kills at the bottom part of the window.

Because of the shared kill feature, the party has the tendency to be camping on one place only. A lot of party’s has their own “spot”. It’s like their own territory where in all monsters within their range will be at their mercy. But when there are “competitors” near your “spot” the technique to get the kill count is to have the last hit.

When you reached the 150 kill count, you will no longer gain kill counts so it is important to redeem your badges immediately. Reported back to the [Quest] Mercenary Scout so that she will award you a Mercenary Badge, an Yggdrasil Berry and a complete food buff. Talk to the Mercenary Scout again so that you could reset the kill count. After that you could again back to your party and start increasing the kill counts again. The prizes could be redeemed up to 20 times and after that you are no longer allowed to participate on the event. Premium users have the privilege of receiving 2 Mercenary Badges and 2 Yggdrasil Berry for every exchange instead of the usual 1 Mercenary Badge and 1 Yggdrasil Berry. A player will then have a total of 20 badges per character and premium users will have a total of 40 badges for per character at the end of the quest.

After claiming all your Mercenary Badges, go back to the town and and meet the [Quest] Elite Mercenary Again. He will then present you with the list of available siege headgears that could be acquired. The prizes are divided into Upper Headgears and Mid Headgears. The Upper Headgear has a common description of reducing Demi-Human attacks by 10% while the Mid Headgears has the common description of reducing Demi-human attacks by 2%.

Exchange 10 Mercenary Badges for Siege Sakkat

Exchange 20 Mercenary Badges for Siege Vane Hairpin

Exchange 20 Mercenary Badges for Siege Sunday Hat

Exchange 40 Mercenary Badges for Siege Boy’s Cap

Mid gear

Exchange 20 Mercenary Badges for Siege Shades

Exchange 20 Mercenary Badges for Siege Fin Helm

Exchange 20 Mercenary Badges for Siege Blush

Exchange 20 Mercenary Badges for Siege Elven Ears

I tried to collect them all but I wasn’t able to get a Siege Crown (40 badges), Siege Tiara (40 badges) and Siege Big Sis Ribbon (10 badges).

I love this Quest! It brings back a lot of memories because it turns the Glast Heim Prison Dungeon alive again. It reminds me of the time when Valkyrie server is still young and most players are grinding to level up in this dungeon. During this event, people constantly look for party regardless of job class and level as long as the party has slots. There are a lot of instances that I have been rejected into a party because they are already full. But that doesn’t stop me because I roamed around the dungeon to seek for a party.
Having a party means faster acquisition of badges that’s why it’s important to have a party. The rewards are also awesome because all of them are War of Emperium headgears. It gives a free gear but you have to work hard for it. n_nU

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