Ragnarok Adventures

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Philharmonic Orchestra at LU! Live 2010

I've been hunting this videos for days and luckily someone had uploaded the videos already. I'm talking about the performance of Philharmonic Orchestra at LU live. I personally didn't watch their performance because it was scheduled on a Saturday morning during the opening ceremonies. We attended LU live in the afternoon so we missed this beautiful number. Their performance gave me goosebumps and memories flashed on my head. Indeed its a great performance. Now, I'll be sharing to you their performances. Credits goes to the people who uploaded the video and the performers on the video.

Playing various Ragnarok Online BGMs

Playing the famous Chixilog of Kamikazee

1 comment:

Pinoy Adventurista said...

great performance... i wish i was there to witness such great talent... Mabuhay ang Pilipino!!! =D

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