Ragnarok Adventures

Friday, March 25, 2011

Poring the Conqueror Summon

Archive Post from January 2010 

When: January 6, 2010
Where: Prontera City

On the wee hours last January 6, I traveled to Prontera City to check the market. Upon arriving the city, I was surprise to find out that there are a lot of dead characters on the ground. I tried to find out what happen and found "Poring the Conqueror". I immediately had the idea that the monster was summoned by a certain GM. There were no announcement regarding the summon so I guess it was a random one. "Poring the Conqueror" is very powerful poring and can one shot all players. I'm glad I had a screen shot of this rare sight monster. It cannot be found anywhere around midgard and only GM summon is the only way to see this in person. n_nU


DYE_RE:Flection said...

The screenshot is dead

Herbert said...

Thanks for the heads up. I'll try to dig into my archives to restore the images on this post. Apparently the site where I have uploaded some of the images was closed down. If you have other post on this site that you want to be restored feel free to inform me.

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