Ragnarok Adventures

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Anubis Event

Archive Post from October 2009

When: October 29, 2009 late evening
Where: Hugel

I was sitting peaceful on the forest of Moscovia when suddenly GM Anael surprised the whole server with a warm welcome. It was a pleasant night that time when GM Anael broadcast an announcement that he will be summoning a thousand Anubis in Hugel. As we all know, Anubis is one of monsters in Ragnarok Online with a high experience gain as of today. At first I was hesitant to join his event because I don’t have any character needing that much experience from the Anubis plus the fact that people will flocked the event which makes events chaotic.

Suddenly some of my guild mates became interested in joining the event. They convinced me to join them and travel to Hugel. So I have been dragged to the Airship and found out that players were very much interested with the impromptu event. I was surprised how the airship was so crowded that if it’s a real airship it would have crashed due to overloading. While on board the airship, I have notice the anticipation of most players because they were so unsettled. They throw jokes to everyone, voiced their feelings towards the event and cast their skills endlessly.

When we arrived at Hugel, I can feel the presence of the event. Yes I can literally feel it because I am experiencing lag during that time! I have no choice but to turn off my effects so that I could walk normally. My party was very much excited too so we tried to scan the area for signs of Anubis battles but instead we encountered flocked of Thorny Skeletons. If you are wondering what these Thorny Skeletons are, they are the minions of Entweihen Knothen at level 100 in Endless Tower. They are long range monsters with a high damage and could easily take down a Champion in Steel Body. GM Anael made a global announcement that if we could beat all the summoned Thorny Skeletons, we will have the thousand summoned Anubis as prize. Our party is just small during that time so I also pleaded on our other guild mates to join us. I encourage them to join in by telling them that this would be a great practice for our next Endless Tower adventures.

Our current party withdrawn the battle for a while and meet up with our other guild mates who travelled to Hugel. I suggested a good strategy for the battle and we joined the other Valkyrians in our conquest to free Hugel from the invaders! Kidding aside, my party was pretty much gaining some synchrony because of this event. The Thorny Skeletons were very hard to kill because they heal themselves, has a very high magic defence, has a high damage, long range but they were immobile. We were able to help in taking down as many as Thorny Skeleton with a little casualty on our side.

After the long battles with each Thorny Skeleton, GM Anael summoned a lot of Treasure Boxes. I am shocked with the summon so I tried to open these treasure boxes and loot as many drops as I can ranging from food buffs, clock tower keys, obbs, ovbs and others. I didn’t concentrate on being with the party anymore because of my greediness /gg. After the reign of treasure boxes, came the hoards of Anubis. The hoards of Anubis didn’t last long because people are expecting this summons. After the Anubis comes the next wave of Treasure Boxes. Sure enough I looted a lot of stuff again during the event because of my looting skills $_$. Just when everyone thought that the event was over, GM Anael sure did surprise my party when suddenly a large group of Anubis appeared on our spot. My party laughed hard lying on the floor while staring at the Anubis who wiped us out. Only our Assassin Cross friend lived because she cloaked before the Anubis became hard to handle.

The event has been ended with the summoning of a Wounded Morroc. GM Anael did a great job in making our server much alive during that night. I have no clue on what happened on the Wounded Morroc. From past events, our summoned Wounded Morroc stayed on our server for a day before it has been defeated so I’m pretty sure that boss hunters on our server had killed him easily.

As a summary the entire event was chaotic, fun and rewarding (thanks to the treasure boxes). I am hoping to see more of these impromptu events in the future.


Anonymous said...

Dont you just miss this?
- Fei Yen

Herbert said...

Yep, these are the times where we experience adrenaline rush and crowd mob on monsters.
Unfortunately 3rd jobs are too powerful than any monsters that the GMs summoned except for boss monsters.
We'll just wait for post Renewal patches and we might experience this all over again.
El Dictates patch is already on pRO Sakray. =)

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