Ragnarok Adventures

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Cheap Izlude to Alberta Travel

I'm not a travel blogger but I'm going to give you a guide on how to save some zeny when traveling from Izlude to Alberta. As you have noticed, the Kafra stationed in Izlude does not provide a warp service in going to Alberta directly. Most often you need to indirectly travel to Payon or Morroc first then finally to Alberta.

Giving some travel tips for poor players like me

The only direct travel from Izlude to Alberta is the Alberta Marina which costs 500 zeny per travel. Alberta Marina is a ship located at the upper right corner of Izlude which will carry you to Alberta or Byalan Islands.

Alberta Marina fare

But then again, there is a man named Edgar sitting on one of the benches who has compassion for poor travelers. Talk to him and ask him how to get to Alberta

Edgar a captain of a ship

Tell him that you hate walking and you are broke. He'll then offer you a ride which cost half a prize compared to Alberta Marina which is 250 zeny. Accept his offer and you will arrive in Alberta port in no time.

Conversing with Edgar

If ever you need his service again he will gladly bring you to Alberta again for the same prize of 250 zeny. He won't bother asking if you are still broke and doesn't want to walk.

Arriving safely on Alberta Port


White_King said...

still, how do I get the money :S we are broke.

Herbert said...

you can always loot some jellopies for zeny :)

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