The patch notes are up just now. It so sad that the modified experience has ended again. I would have wish it has extended but good times never last forever. At least we have a very enjoyable leveling up.
Agit Lords phase 1 has ended with a blast on Valkyrie Server. Its a 2 hour intensified, action packed and laggy siege. Up until the very last minutes of the siege we are not sure who will have the slot for the Honor Points of Phase 1 because both alliance who are vying for the slot never gave up attacking and defending. I nearly didn't join the siege because all member slots on all of our alliances has been taken. I'm very thankful to a guildmate who sacrificed his slot for me and just played in New Loki. =)
Now for the Unofficial Results of Valkyrie Server we have Kingdom of Justice for the Honor Points slot. We have Lost Command and Genocide for the Siege Points slot. Again I have to reiterate that the one I'm posting here is Unofficial and only the pRO GM Team has the right to proclaim the Official winners for Agit Lords Phase 1.
Also today marks the second phase of Agit Lords. Unlike last year we don't have a cease fire phase so the intensity of war will continue to rage more. The twist given to this phase is deactivated Boss and Mini-boss cards on Agit Maps but I'm not sure with Boss Scrolls. Added to that is deactivated Godly Equips server wide. This will even out the war grounds to only use optimized gears and not depend on overpowered ones. This means no more hiding using SinX carded mufflers or tanking using Detale carded armors or rage killing using Megingjard.
For Stat Reset fanatics, a fix has been made to allow the Shards of Odin to be placed in Kafra Storage. By placing the Shards on the storage will make the shards stackable and will allow you to avail the paid reset without any problems now. I really hope that this fix is successful.
Item mall is still on sale! And New Loki got their exclusive promo called Start Up Package. The package costs 2000 ROK for a specific job class. I have no idea what it contains lets just check it out later after the maintenance. I'm starting to get a feeling that the management are starting to focus their promos to New Loki.
Anyways read the rest of the patchnotes after the break. I made another long commentary on the patchnotes.