Ragnarok Adventures

Monday, January 24, 2011

Player Feedback


Its time to give credits again to my all my readers. I've been promoting my site so hard and I'm thankful that you believed on the worth of my site. I hope you continue patronizing my site.

So far I don't receive any negative feedback from players in-game like claiming that my site is a hack site or scam site. I can't really blame them if they do that because a lot of scam sites are being promoted in-game. But I guess they already have proven that my site is legitimate and helpful.

If you have a google account, please follow me by clicking "follow" at the lower right part of this page. I'm not sure if the follow button will accept facebook accounts or any other web account. There is no harm in trying. Anyways read the feedback that I have gathered after the break.

People started noticing my presence at our tambayan in Alberta Hagdan. They leave inspiring messages that boost my confidence in creating regular updates. Come to think of it who wouldn't notice my pub if you are performing the Daily Quest regularly. Well thanks to all who dropped by on my pub even if you know that most of the time I'm AFK.







There are also times that I got to chat with the players entering my pub. I guess at first they are just planning to leave a message or hoping that I'm not AFK. But when I replied to them they started chatting with me. Its nice to have a quick conversation with these people. Its an honor meeting nice people like you guys.



During the Green Bunny Event someone also identified me as the author of this blog. I'm surprised she has noticed me even without me promoting my site. Thanks for the continuous support.

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