Ragnarok Adventures

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Player Feedback


Wow! 2013 is here and the first month of the year. I can't believe I made it this far. And I still have the drive to write and update my blog.

I guess I have to thank each of you who supports me by taking time to interact to me whether in-game, on my blog and on my Facebook fanpage. I'm not into forcing people to like my Facebook fanpage because I want every fan who likes it really appreciate the posts and updates that I'm providing. That's why I still have low numbers. To those who aren't fans yet and want some updates feel free to join in. My face bookfanpage can be found here.

Now what's new on my site. I'm not really sure since I still continue on writing guides, adventures, patchnotes etc. Maybe the collection headgears that I started is something new but I don't know if I can expand that kind of write up. I'm running out of headgears to show and I'm running out of kafra space including cart space. If you also notice I didn't have much WOE write ups because I don't think most readers really appreciate those things. I guess experiencing WOE first hand is more adrenaline pumping than reading it. I also started giving out sneak peaks on kRO patches but its just limited to my sources too.

Now for my Facebook fanpage. Definitely I don't spam so it's safe to like it. I only post Ragnarok Related stuffs and updates. I also post some of my in-game activities if you are interested to know. Sometimes I give out tips, sometimes I rant so in short everything I feel like posting I post it here. My blog is for serious Ragnrok stuffs and my Facebook fanpage is for small details and quick heads ups.

Up until now I don't own a twitter account because I think it's just similar to Facebook. I also don't own any youtube channel because I think it needs more work than blogging.

For fans who want to approach me and ask me questions don't be shy. I'll answer all your questions with everything I know. I'm not an expert on everything but I might help you on some aspects of your gaming life. I'll tell you right away if I don't know the answer so as not to give you false hopes that I can feed you with all Ragnarok Online info that you want.

Recently Ragnarok Online 2 has been released on SEA. Yeah I'll probably going to play it and I hope to see everyone there. My biggest issue on this game will be the 3D aspect because I'm easily confused with the directions. I usually end up being lost and spend too much time figuring out where to go. As of now I'm not playing the game because I'm looking forward to the release of WOE patch in kRO. I heard rumors that the patch will be released around April 2013 on kRO. I'll look forward to that and see if the game play has the same or exceeds the action packed siege of WOE1.

I think that's all the update that I have. You can drop some questions if you still want to know something. Meanwhile below are the fans who took time to drop on my message box while I'm away. Some fans were friendly enough to talk to me while I'm active. I was able to have a quick chat with them and shared stories. Have a look and see if you are one of them. Cheers ~

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

MOre Update to come maraming salamat Mr. MAyor haha (Herbert)

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