Ragnarok Adventures

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Patch Notes: February 8, 2012


Patchnotes are up during lunch break.

We say good bye to Donita and Ligaya and hello to Lotti Fairies. I'm not sure if Donita and Ligaya were successful in drianing our servers zeny. If it does then good for them but their effect is not that felt yet. Valhalla just got their Donita and Ligaya event this week. I'm not sure if they have an economic problem just like the other servers that might fixed with this event. Then we have Lotti Fairies coming in our servers. Which pretty much reminds me of Lotti Girl. If you're not aware of Lotti Girl you can read her here. But I'm not sure if these Fairies are related to Lotti Girl. If they are related then we have another gambling event.

A lot of bug fixes on going then we have our regular deletion of illegal warps. I  just want to point out why would they include their fixes with the banned words. People will start using that for cursing starting today because they knew it is allowed. If they kept it a secret people will always have the mindset that it is a banned word.

I'm also excited with the awarding update. Finally its Valkyries turn for the BBB event awarding. I hope we will get our prizes early so that we can use them for the on-going Agit Lords.

Last on my list which I find it ok is the on going sale of Gym Pass. It is a good way of increasing your weight. More weight means more consumables to carry. It will only cost you 50php for getting lvl10 but if you're on tight budget you can get until lvl5 which is 25php. You can read my Adding Weight Limit through Gym Pass post for more info.

Read the rest of the patchnotes after the break.

PHILIPPINE RAGNAROK ONLINE FEBRUARY 8 PATCH NOTESMaintenance will start at 7:30am and will end at approximately 5:00pm

I. PATCH SIZE: Approximately 6MB


  • Update Login Screen (ALL SERVERS)
  • Update Loading Screen (ALL SERVERS)
  • Delete all illegal memos
  • Deactivate the following events:
    • Donita and Ligaya Event – Valkyrie, New Loki and New Chaos
  • Activate the following events:
    • Donita and Ligaya event – Valhalla Server
    • Lotti Fairies – ALL SERVERS
  • Bug fix on the following
    • Remove the word “goddamn” from banwords list
    • Update Apprentice Craftsman NPC – DC Issue on New Chaos
    • Warp_Free_Ticket – Change weight of item to zero
    • Shaman_Ring – item has 1 slot but cannot compound any card into it
    • Darkness_Helm – item has 1 slot but cannot compound any card into it
    • Immuned Shield Bug – Effect not working


  • BBB Event Valkyrie 011512

Sale of the Week: Gym Pass Sale
Scroll of the Week: Love Scroll
Items of the Week:
Red Dress Hat
Valentine Hat

Meet the 3 fairies of PRO
Donita and Ligaya (Valhalla Only)
Friday Night Ragnarok: Meet and Greet the Gm's
LuvRoks 2012: Love is in the Air!
Ragnarok World Championship 2012

Source: Unified Forums
Thanks to my friend Aerin for sending me the patchnotes


Anonymous said...

Sir, pwede malaman ung mga makukuha sa donita and ligaya ng valhala?

Herbert said...

Wala akong Valhalla eh. pero yung sa valkyrie ang mga jackpot
10m = OCA
100m = +7 Weapon Refine Deed
500m = +8 Weapon Refine Deed
tapos yung ibang loots may guyak, HD ores, Ygg seed, Ygg berry at higit sa lahat patatas ni Anael.

Anonymous said...

gano ktaas chance makuha ung mga jackpot??? 10? gud or 1? not gud.

Herbert said...

Wala po akong exact percent.
dahil sugal yan mas mahirap na mahirap makuha ang jackpot kesa sa mga normal na items.

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