Ragnarok Adventures

Thursday, February 17, 2011

No Fear Daily Quest

Archive Post from December 2009
Note: Removed since March 3, 2010 maintenance.

Philippine Ragnarok Online has once again accepted advertisements from commercial products after so many years. This time the No Fear Products made it’s campaign to all adventurers across all servers of pRO. Among the different No Fear Events includes dropping of No Fear shoes on selected monsters, choosing players with best No Fear statements on different occasions, having a free in-game item when buying No Fear Apparels at any stores nationwide and a limited time No Fear Daily Quest. For the official announcement of the No Fear Daily Quests kindly visit the pRO site.

Quest Proper:
The No Fear Daily Quest starts at the Prontera Castle. Make your way to the Castle by exiting at the upper portal of Prontera City. Locate Maria, the Royal Sage to start the No Fear Daily Quests. She is easy to find because her location is just near the portal.

When you talk to her, she will invite you to join the quest to eliminate fearsome monsters because of your fearful eyes. If you want to gain more information about the quest you can inquire more from Maria but if you are ready enough choose the option to accept the quest.

Next, talk to Manly Pakyaw the Rockstar like NPC. He will give you a No Fear Headband as a sign that you have accepted the Quest for the first time. The No Fear Headband will keep you from fears once you wear it.

Note: The No Fear Headband is given once per account. If one of your characters has already received the No Fear Headband other characters of the same account will only trigger the daily quest but will not receive another No Fear Headband.

The No Fear Headgear is a permanent item. When wearing the headgear, the No Fear text on a bubble box will appear on your head. It has the attributes VIT +1, Max HP + 100, Reduce 2% damage from demi-human monsters and Def +1. Only level 20 non-novice characters can wear this headgear.

Upon accepting the No Fear challenge set by Maria and Manly Pakyak, they will assign you to any of the three fearsome monsters across Midgard. The three locations are shown below. Remember to wear the No Fear Headgear when talking to any of the fearsome monsters assigned to you.

Glast Heim Under Prison
Locate the Fearsome Ghost at the Upper right part of the Glast Heim Under Prison. The easiest ways to travel to the map is using the Odin’s Warp then make your way to the said location. Be extra careful not to create mobs while finding the location of the Fearsome Ghost because the map has a high density of monster. Other means of travel to the said location will be very painful. The travel will start at the Geffen City then walk until you reach Glast Heim. The Glast Heim Underprison is located at the upper mid of Glast Heim. If you entered the Glast Heim Castle locate the side portals at the middle part of the map to reach the Under Prison.

Mjollnir Dead Pit
The Fearsome Demon is the easiest fearsome monster to be located if you are a premium user. Use the Odin’s warp and the Fearsome Demon is located near the spawn point. Other means of travel will be painful but a little lighter than on Glast Heim Under Prison. The challenge on your travel for non-premium user is the maze of the second level of the coal mines dungeon.

This is the hardest location of the fearsome monster. The Odin’s warp will only aid you a little but most of the travel you will need to survive. For premium users, use the Odin’s warp and choose the Umbala Dungeon. Walk your way towards the Yggdrassil Tree roots and exit to Niffleheim. The first map will contain a heavy mob so be careful not to mob too much. Wearing status armor or killing monsters on the way will help you survive this map. Exit at the upper right part of the first map to reach the second map. Use the same strategy like the first map in order to survive this map. Exit at the right portal of the map to reach the Niffleheim town where the Fearsome Spirit is located. Be extra careful at the right portal because this location always contains a large mob. Once you have reached the exit you will be able to see the Fearsome Spirit right next to the portal. The other means of travel will be using the bungee jump at Umbala Town to try your chance on teleporting to Niffleheim town immediately upon death.

After frightening any of the said fearsome monsters, make your way back to Manly Pakyaw. Since our server Valkyrie doesn’t have any teleport skill, using Odin’s Recall, Colored Wings or dying are the only options of returning to your spawn point if you are not an Acolyte class. Once you have reported back to Manly Pakyaw, talk to Maria to receive a generous amount of experience. The experience given is much more higher than the Order of Odin Daily Quest.

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